
Showing posts from March 27, 2018

DAILY ORACLE CARD: Tuesday 27th March, 2018

DAILY CARD: Tuesday 27th March, 2018  ~ * PARTNERSHIP* ~ A Journey Marker... You’re put on notice to seek connection in all things. This is the coming together of ideas, the fulfilment of attraction, the marriage between two people, and the harmonious blending of energies. If you’re inquiring about a partnership of any kind, this signifies the importance of observing the qualities that this relationship creates as a result of the sum of its parts. There ’s always much to learn in the choice of partners. When you receive the blessing of Partnership on this part of your journey, it’s a sign that the object of your inquiry may indeed give you what you need. It’s the portent of opportunity, where the partnership exceeds the potential of the individual. This Sacred Journey Marker reminds you that you’re never alone and that there’s also always a partnership with the Divine. It is a very auspicious omen! Have a wonderful day! Brightest blessings,  Leigh ^j^