
Showing posts from October 24, 2019

Scorpio Season Horoscopes: How Will Scorpio Energy Affect Your Zodiac Sign?

You hear people talk about Scorpio season but what is Scorpio Season and what does it mean? Scorpio Season is the period when the sun is in Scorpio, from about Oct 23rd to Nov 22nd. This year Scorpio Season -  Is All About Letting Go! Everyone feels some type of way when the sun enters Scorpio. The sun is the heart of the solar system; it is a symbol of the ego and your soul purpose. Whichever zodiac sign the sun is traveling through can determine the spiritual theme, both personally and collectively. It's no coincidence that Halloween takes place during Scorpio season; this season is a vibe all on its own. Despite the way Scorpio's essence comes to life via each individual birth chart, its fixed waters are as mystical as they are polarizing. After all, Scorpio is the lightest light and the darkest dark combined. Ruled by powerful Pluto, Lord of the Underworld and planet of revelations, the scorpion is a representation of the hidden unconscious. Scorpio season is