
Showing posts from December 5, 2018

Wednesday Oracle Card: 5th Dec 2018

Today's Card Is - THE SWAN -   Transformation.  Psychic Gifts. Change is capable of transforming the ordinary into the unimaginable. Consider the transformation of the “ugly” duckling into the graceful swan, and the lowly caterpillar into the whimsical butterfly. Consider even the lump of clay into a museum-worthy piece of pottery or statuary. The Swan Queen reminds you to honor the process. She encourages you to remain unfazed by your starting point, and instead to plunge into the water and do the work you must as change sets in and makes  way for transformation to take hold. What the outcome  may be is unimportant. It’s in the process that the true magic exists. This card represents a transformation from one state to another. From the ugly duckling to the beautiful Swan, this signals a period of growth that will ultimately be life-changing. The Swan says that you may change so much that you may not recognize yourself in the end. Most important, it's time

Tuesday Oracle Card: 4th Dec 2018

Today's Card Is - TRUTH - A Journey Marker. Truth in word and deed is what is required of you by drawing this marker. As well as resonating with your own personal truth, it’s important now to also demand the same from others. In every person there's a vibrational energy that's accessible by slowing down and searching within to inquire, "Is this real? Am I hearing Truth from another, or is it a lie? Am I speaking honestly myself, or am I lying to manipulate circumstances to get what I want?" Remember, even a white lie will cause your light to fade and loose power. A lie takes you down into the lower vibrations of the ego world, ruled by separation and limitation-and it's seduction of the lower world and serves no one but the forces of darkness. This marker reminds you to remain in the light, even if it seems like a more difficult path. Truth will build a bridge across a chasm. Truth will lend a magic wand of strength and integri