
Showing posts from July 12, 2018

DAILY ORACLE CARD: Thursday 12th July, 2018

DAILY CARD   ~* FEAR *~  A Journey Marker... This marker asks  you to identify how fear may be affecting you on this part of your journey. Are you afraid of failure? Perhaps you’re worried about success and the changes it brings, as it pushes you to be all you can be. Are you afraid of loosing something you don't yet have? Is your fear valid? Have you seen actual evidence of adversity and trouble, or are you seeing false evidence, which gives the appearance of being real? Fear is a crippling companion, and indicates a loss of faith and connection to the Divine. Remember that the God/Goddess doesn't give you anything you cannot handle. Fear comes from the part of you that identifies with separation, division, and form. To release you're self from it, remember that you are first and foremost an infinite soul. Look through those eyes, and the fear will subside as you remember to trust the way of the Mystery. Don't struggle with fear. Look inside; see the part of you th

DAILY ORACLE CARD: Wednesday 11th July, 2018

DAILY CARD   ~* THE SWAN *~  Transformation - Psychic Gifts... Change is capable of transforming the ordinary into the unimaginable. Consider the transformation of the “ugly” duckling into the graceful swan, and the lowly caterpillar into the whimsical butterfly. Consider even the lump of clay into a museum-worthy piece of pottery or statuary. The Swan Queen reminds you to honor the process. She encourages you to remain unfazed by your starting point, and instead to plunge into the water and do the work you must as change sets in and makes  way for transformation to take hold. What the outcome  may be is unimportant. It’s in the process that the true magic exists. This card represents a transformation from one state to another. From the ugly duckling to the beautiful Swan, this signals a period of growth that will ultimately be life-changing. The Swan says that you may change so much that you may not recognize yourself in the end. Most important, it's time to honour a

DAILY ORACLE CARD: Tuesday 10th July, 2018

DAILY CARD    ~* JOY *~  A Journey Marker...   This marks a time for celebration, for this portends the joyous completion of a project, the attainment of a goal, or the end of a long and arduous journey. When you’re thirsty, this marker promises that you’ll find a well; when you’re cold, a blanket; when you’re hungry, nourishment. Joy also has another aspect, for not only does it celebrate receiving blessings from the fruits of actual labour, but it’s also about the sharing of it. Joy celebrates itself - its very essence radiates beauty and well-being.  Like the spring sun breaking through after a long and gloomy winter, joy reminds us to be grateful for all the gifts of life. Joy bestows the blessings of happiness. You truly have reason to smile when this marker appears on your path......If you enjoyed this post, please consider to: Like - Subscribe - Share...Thank you!   Have a Wonderful Day!   Leigh ^j^     CONTACT