
Showing posts from October 1, 2018

OCTOBER NUMEROLOGY FORECAST: Courage, Leadership, and Taking a Stand

Your Numerology Forecast For October - What to expect in the upcoming Month! Just like you have an astrological Sun Sign, you also have a Numerological Sun Number. This number is also based on your month and day of birth. This Sun Number indicates the core of who you are and can help to paint a picture as to what your soul has come here to achieve. Sun Numbers range from 1 to 9 and each hold a particular vibration and energy that is meant to guide you on your journey. Your Sun Number is a single-digit number derived from your month and date of birth that ties you directly into all the yearly, monthly and daily cycles - once you know your Sun Number you never have to calculate to find your personal month cycles again. . _________________________________________________________________________  Your Sun Number is easy to calculate and never changes. Simply add your month and day of birth, and reduce to a single digit (reduce Master numbers to a single digit

MONDAY CARD READING: 1st October 2018

Daily Oracle Card  ~* THE SWAN *~ Transformation - Psychic Gifts... Change is capable of transforming the ordinary into the unimaginable. Consider the transformation of the “ugly” duckling into the graceful swan, and the lowly caterpillar into the whimsical butterfly. Consider even the lump of clay into a museum-worthy piece of pottery or statuary. The Swan Queen reminds you to honor the process. She encourages you to remain unfazed by your starting point, and instead to plunge into the water and do the work you must as change sets in and makes  way for transformation to take hold. What the outcome  may be is unimportant. It’s in the process that the true magic exists. This card represents a transformation from one state to another. From the ugly duckling to the beautiful Swan, this signals a period of growth that will ultimately be life-changing. The Swan says that you may change so much that you may not recognize yourself in the end. Most important, it's time to h

How to Set New Month Intentions For Positive Changes in Your Life!

New Month Rituals For Positive Changes in Your Life! New Month. New Energy. New Focus. New Intentions!.....Intentions, what are they,  how do they work, and how to create the life you want using them! That is what we are looking at today.  Setting Intentions allows you to feel centered and balanced no matter what’s happening around you. Instead of going through the motions, it gives your days purpose and gets you closer to who and where you want to be. They allow you to get clear on who you want to be and gives you guiding principles to focus on to get to where you want to be. Wayne Dyer said, “Our intention creates our reality.” What you think, say, and focus on becomes your truth. Setting clear intentions also helps you to course-correct and be more balanced if difficulties arise. Setting Intentions is key to manifesting personal and professional goals. How many times have you heard “What you think, you become” ? Setting Intentions is the first step to embo