
Showing posts from July 2, 2019


What Energies will July bring, and what can we expect from July on a spiritual level?   Lets get into what is happening energy wise in July 2019... July is a 1 Universal Month, which means in Numerology new beginnings, fresh starts and opportunities. This month is a wonderful time to set your intentions for what you want to create now! This July will be a BIG energy month as there is a lot happening. Key dates will bring about some powerful energies and some long-lasting changes to our lives. Begin this month by setting your intentions at the start of July, on the 3rd when we have the New Moon to harness and amplify these energies! We have the Eclipse Gateway between Solar Eclipse and Lunar Eclipse from 3rd July until 17th July . “The Eclipse Gateway" is one of the most potent and magical times of the year because the energy of both Eclipses merge, forming a bridge between one state of consciousness and the next. Eclipses are always huge points of growth,