What Energies will July bring, and what can we expect from July on a spiritual level?  

Lets get into what is happening energy wise in July 2019...

July is a 1 Universal Month, which means in Numerology new beginnings, fresh starts and opportunities. This month is a wonderful time to set your intentions for what you want to create now!

This July will be a BIG energy month as there is a lot happening. Key dates will bring about some powerful energies and some long-lasting changes to our lives.

Begin this month by setting your intentions at the start of July, on the 3rd when we have the New Moon to harness and amplify these energies!

We have the Eclipse Gateway between Solar Eclipse and Lunar Eclipse from 3rd July until 17th July. “The Eclipse Gateway" is one of the most potent and magical times of the year because the energy of both Eclipses merge, forming a bridge between one state of consciousness and the next.

Eclipses are always huge points of growth, awakening, and change, so this moment in between the two Eclipse pairs is really a time of transformation and renewal as well.”

Mercury Retrograde is happening on 7th July and on the 31st of July, we have a Black New Moon in the sign of Leo.

A Black New Moon is very rare and happens when we have two New Moons in one month. A Black Moon is a particularly powerful New Moon which brings about a significant new phase.

Each Black Moon signals the beginning of a new cycle which lasts until the next Black Moon, which is normally two and a half to three years later, so these are powerful moments in time which can markedly influence the coming years. It is therefore wise to use the energy well!

The energy has been intense recently as we are in a period of change, not just individually, but collectively as well. Truths are coming out left, right and centre and changes are occurring in all areas of our lives.

Many have been in the process of clearing a lot of old fears about moving forward within the last 6 months. It sometimes feels like a hard slog due to the current energies, but trust this is all for the highest good. We are getting there!

The first week of July one of the best questions to ask yourself is: "Is fear preventing you from doing what you love"? This, is the best question to ask ourselves as it shows us if fear is actually holding us back from taking that step towards the life we desire. 

Listening to the heart rather than just the head is uncomfortable as it pushes us out of our comfort zone! Instead of being logically we are now much more aware of what our hearts are saying. As we are expanding our energy and shifting into a new awareness, we are letting go of the things, people, jobs, homes and situation that just doesn’t fit anymore. This can be challenging as the fear of change rears up from within.

As we expand, grow and transform, we need to understand that any fears that come up are just old energy needing to be let go. If your heart is telling you this is the way you should go, then listen. Fear may come up, but is that fear just your head worrying that you can’t do something or that you will lose something if you follow this new direction?

 Set your intentions this month to follow your destiny and shine bright like the sun!

Each year, the first week of July is a time of great spiritual advancement for all of humanity due to the energy activated between Earth and the star Sirius.

Every year in July, Sirius moves closer than our own Sun to Earth and opens a gateway of energy. This means that we receive downloads of energy from Sirius during this time, which can accelerate our spiritual progression.

This is important to know as you may find you have a spiritual awakening at this time or your intuition becomes crystal clear or people around you suddenly wake up! It is a great time to work on your own spiritual development and meditate!

Daydreaming is a wonderful way to connect to your destiny. Reflecting on what excites you is also a great way to start reminding yourself of what you loved.

Once you have understood what you love to do, the universe will confirm that you are on the right track. Synchronicities begin to appear to confirm your thoughts. Things, people, situations and even money come to you more easily when you are following your destiny.

This happens because our energy begins to match with the frequency of our destiny!

Have you ever noticed that when you weren’t true to yourself, things were more difficult, there was not enough time in the day and it was harder to sort out problems? And, when you are in the flow and following your heart, life becomes more joyful and less problematic?

When we follow our dreams the universe helps us to achieve them. By trusting in what your heart whispers to you will lead you to your destiny. So set your intentions at the start of July to follow your destiny and shine bright like the sun!

Have a Blessed July Everyone!

Leigh ^j^



How to Set New Month Intentions For Positive Changes in Your Life:

3 Simple Rituals To Start The New Month!:



6 Ways to Fill Your Home With Positive Energy: 

Energetic Clearing: A Simple yet Powerful Technique To Shift Energy Blocks and Emotions:

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