July 2019 MONTHLY HOROSCOPES For All Zodiac Signs!

Monthly Horoscopes are guides to the month ahead. They include highlights of key energies designed to help you make the best use of the upcoming planetary energy.

Big changes are afoot this month, thanks to the Solar Eclipse in tenderhearted Cancer on July 2 and the Lunar Eclipse in hardworking Capricorn on July 16.
Under these two game-changing eclipses (plus Mercury retrograde, which runs from July 7 to July 31) we’re called to define and redefine what success truly means. As a solar eclipse is power-packed new moon and a lunar eclipse is a power-packed full moon, we can expect some significant beginnings and endings to be initiated this month courtesy of the cosmic weather.

Of course with communication planet Mercury retrograde for most of July (first in fiery Leo, then in emotional Cancer), we're also called to do our due diligence when it comes to communication. Since Mercury retrograde is a time where the frequency of misunderstandings, miscommunication, travel delays, and tech glitches is higher than usual; this month we're asked to exercise patience, active listening skills, and to be proactive about seeking or providing clarification as needed.

With love planet Venus entering nurturing Cancer (July 3) and multiple planets entering warmhearted Leo this month, which includes the kickoff to Leo season on July 22 and a New Moon in Leo on the 31st, one thing is for certain during this moment of change – it’s time to follow our hearts. 

What does this month looks like for you? Read the July forecast for your zodiac sign below...

♈  ARIES (March 21-April 19)

The past is a valuable teacher, but it isn’t a predictive tool. Don't turn old disappointments into self-fulfilling prophesies, my love. You’re ready to make real change in your life, but you need to be present in order to pull it off. Believe in your ability to create the life you want, not in spite of what you’ve been through but because you’ve learned from it.

♉  TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

It’s time for follow through, Taurus. You’ve done so much hard work to figure out what you need. Now is not the time to circle back around on your choices. You may want to experiment, or you may be ready to make it official, but either way, distractions will only hurt your feels and slow your progress. You have a lot going on, so pace yourself this month by prioritizing what you need, what you’ve given your word to, and the things that come from the realest part of your heart.

♊  GEMINI (May 21-June 21)

You can’t know what’s going to happen next, no matter how hard you try. While it’s good to ask for help when you need it, not all advice – even that from the smartest and most accomplished people — is the right feedback for you. This month, the truth you need to honor and the history you need not repeat are your own. The answers you seek are inside of you, Twin Star. You just have to be patient and dedicated enough to find them.

♋  CANCER (June 22-July 22)

Get ready, Moonchild! On July 2nd there will be a Solar Eclipse in your sign, and then on the 16th, there will be a Lunar Eclipse in your relationship house. Expect intense feelings all month, and expect to have deep emotional content emerge between yourself and others.
You may feel overwhelmed, but don’t go into "fix others" mode. You won't be able to manage how others feel or respond to you, but you can control how you behave. Honor your relationship to yourself and others by standing in your truth unconditionally this month.

♌  LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

As annoying as it can be, you’ve got to let others catch up with you. You’re going through a huge growth spurt this month, as a powerful Solar Eclipse falls in your 12th house on the 2nd, and there’s a New Moon in your sign on the 31st. Stop looking at external markers of change and dig deep, Leo. Align yourself with what you truly want instead of what you think will look good on paper or come through quickly. Release your timeline and tend to your roots, my love.

♍  VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Your homework this month: Prioritize your wisest instincts, not your strongest ones. The Eclipses will kick up a great deal of emotional energy in everyone, which is likely to stir up a great deal of anxiety in you. Strive to sit with your feels (yes, all of them) before you attach a narrative to them. Your most compelling feelings are rarely what they seem to be on the surface. Be interested in patterns, suspicious of your defenses, and loving in your exploration.

♎  LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Improve your relationships by showing up more fully within them, Libra. July’s eclipses are likely to hit you pretty hard, and that’s a really good thing. You’re ready to step out of some old habits and start honoring your truth. Stop saying yes when you very clearly mean no. When you don’t know what you want, it’s okay to say just that. The point is to validate and honor where you’re at so that your life makes more sense for you.

♏  SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

This month, you're likely to find yourself feeling really intense and, if you’re not careful, downright compulsive. It’ll be easy to fall into a stress hole, so commit to actually using the tools in your self-care kit, Scorpio. Honor your instincts. If you feel like you need time alone, take it! If your trust feels compromised, investigate more fully. Just don’t unwittingly isolate yourself and push others away. Find ways of telling your loved ones where you’re at, my love.

♐  SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Don’t be so attached to how you want things to look that you aren’t present for how they actually are. Your growth is likely to speed up this month, and it might feel like a lot. Strive to be as openhearted as you are open-minded, Sagittarius. This Eclipse Season, it’s time to pair your curiosity about the world with a willingness to explore the messy bits of your own tender heart. Remember: gratitude is an anxiety buster. Find things to be grateful for wherever you can.

♑  CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You may not like what others are (or aren’t) doing, but it’s really not your business, my beloved busybody. Make it your priority to keep your side of the street clean, to live in accordance with your beliefs and values, and to refrain from playing in the mud if you don’t want to get dirty. What you consent to participating in (and how) is your only line to toe. Healthy boundaries start with you; don’t expect others to manage your needs, my love.

♒  AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

When a person's boundaries come from an ego-driven place, they generally come off as defensive. Whether your ego is hurting or overgrown, this month it’s important to investigate motive and function when you assert your needs to others. Hold some very real space for everyone’s learning curve, as well as the ways in which people are different. Strive to collaborate without a fixed agenda, even if that kicks up some complicated feels.

♓  PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

Instead disappearing into a hidey-hole or bending yourself into a pretzel for others, take your time before you respond so that you can honor what’s true for you. The only way to truly fail in life is to not try, to not learn, and to uphold your fears without question. Embrace your uncertainties, your imperfections, and your missteps this month. You don’t need to be perfect in order for you to be worthy. Embrace the healing power of love, and let it motivate your attitudes and actions, Pisces.

Have a Wonderful July!

Leigh ^j^

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