RITUAL: 3 Simple Rituals To Close Out The Old Month!

It's a New Month! A New Month means a New Start; New Hope; New Focus and a New Chance to make all things possible!

It is also a perfect time to start new rituals that will help clear your mind, identify what you want and make you more mindful. But before we do that, do we want to start our new month with the same energy as the last month?

I sure don't! I like to start the new month fresh, with intention to create the type of month I would like to have.

Note: If you have projects, jobs or anything else you may of started last month, but didn't complete it? No problems, just add them to your new intentions list for the new month.

As the month’s end approaches, we may find ourselves reflecting on everything that happened over the last month. What changed? Have we reached our goals? Are we where we want to be?

The end of the month is an opportunity to release the old to make space for the new. Small, meaningful rituals help you to let go of all you don't want to bring into the new month. Read the 3 simple rituals below-

1. Cleanse your Home/Environment

* Take clothing donations over to Goodwill.

* Take out your trash and recycling if it’s been hanging around.

* Give the floors a good scrubbing.

* Get rid of those leftovers in the fridge you’ve been avoiding.

* And it’s a great time to look at any mental clutter too.

* Any undone tasks that are making you crazy?

* Emails you need to answer?

* Decisions you need to make? Take care of them so you can start fresh with the new month.
* Cleanse the air:  Air Freshener- Grab a bottle, fill it with water, and then put fresh lemon or an herb like lavender in it and spray it throughout your home as you inhale deeply.

Aromatherapy is said to heal the body in a variety of ways, whether it be serving to rejuvenate, balance, calm, or energize.

Studies have even found that this practice may help to relieve anxiety and depression as well as improve quality of life, specifically in people suffering from chronic health conditions.

2. Set Your Focus and Intentions for the New Month:

    * Spend some time with your journal and write out all of what you hope to include more of in the next month. 

    * Take a Post-it, jot down your word for (Add New Month) and put it on your mirror.

    * Write them out. Refer to them as the days go by and take the necessary steps to make them happen.

    * Clear away what is no longer serving you. 
    Intention isn’t everything. We need to take steps toward what we want and make every day choices that align with our goals. But without an intention, we aren’t heading anywhere.

    This is really an exercise in opening yourself up and letting the universe know what you want. (In my experience this is a powerful practice). I typically read my intentions out loud after my morning meditation.

    Open up. Do some writing. Don’t be afraid to state your desires. Refer to your list. Show up. Pause. Breathe. Smile.

    3. Sweep, Clean & Open:

    Then, once you’ve given everything a clean sweep and set your intention for the new month, follow it up with a physical practice to cleanse and open up too. 

    All the dust we clean up in our homes? Most of it is dead skin, it’s important to exfoliate all that “dust” away. Dry brushing and massage help to impact the lymph system as well. I dry brush daily, but once a week or so I like to follow it up with a nice, long sugar or salt scrub in the shower too.

    A Simple Salt Scrub: 

    Take a quarter cup of olive oil, a half-cup of finely ground sea salt and a few drops of an essential oil (Sweet Orange is great for this) and mix it together.

    Once your skin is wet, scrub to your heart’s content (avoiding anywhere delicate) and rinse off. Your skin will thank you!

    Other Activities:

    1. Juice & Shake: Have some green juice, lemon water or if nothing else. Have yourself a no pants dance party in the kitchen and just shake it out!

    2. Put the phone away + play light, inspiring music.

    3. Reflect on last month’s abundance. How much money did you bring in? What connections did you make? What are you proud of? What did you celebrate?'

    4. Let Go of the “Ick.” Let go of any relationships, clients, work assignments or exercises that aren’t working for you. When you let go, you create more space for new, positive things to flow into your life.

    5. Pull Affirmation + Oracle Cards: At the start of each month. I usually pull 4 cards, one for each week, go with what you feel drawn to do.

    6. A New Month Prayer:

    "May the month of ________ (name the new month)

    be a month of blessings: blessings of goodness, blessings of joy,

    peace and kindness, friendship and love, creativity, strength,

    serenity, fulfilling work and dignity, satisfaction, success,

    and sustenance, physical health and radiance.

    May truth and justice guide our acts and compassion temper our lives

    that we may blossom as we age and become our sweetest selves."
    May it be so!

    How will you make it a good Month!

    Leigh ^j^

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