FULL MOON RITUAL: A Simple 2 Step Release Ritual!

Who is ready for the Full Moon tonight?  I know I am ready to let go of what no longer serves me!

Below you will find a simple Full Moon Release Ritual you can use if you like...A Full Moon Ritual is a powerful way to invoke the energy of the Full Moon.  (a ritual being a set of actions, often with symbolic value, performed in a ceremonial manner).

Full Moon is a time for: Releasing. Letting go. Unburdening yourself. Purging & Get rid of the old. A time for celebrating your emergence by stepping out of an old way of being - an old identity - behaviour -  attitude - relationship - frame of mind - situation.

Rituals marks this inner transformation in a formal, ceremonial way. Emphasizing to yourself and the Universe that you are ready to let go for the new you to emerge. Making way for new magical opportunities to come to you.

This Will Be A Purification Ritual Using The Elements Of Fire and Water:  

Fire and water are great symbolic ways of purifying.

Fire consumes, burns away the old
Water cleanses, washes away

Full Moon Release Ritual:

What you need: pen, paper, matches, candle, two small bowls, water.

If possible do this outside under the Full Moon, connecting directly with Mother Nature and the Moon’s energies.  If you cannot be outside, find a quiet place indoors.

* Clear your energy. Imagine standing under a silver waterfall and allow all negative and non-serving energies to be washed away.

* Create a sacred space. Find a quiet place to sit, de-clutter and clean, place crystals or other special items around you.

* Light the candle, fill one small bowl with water – place both in front of you, along with the other empty bowl.

* Take a few deep breaths, centre yourself and then begin to write on the piece of paper what you wish to release from your life, what limiting beliefs you want to be free from, what no longer serves you or what you want to let go of.

* When you have finished your list, sign and date the page.

* Breathe deep into your heart and declare “I now let this go. And it is so.” Then place one corner of the piece of paper over the candle allowing the flame to light your page (throw the page into the empty bowl as it burns) watching the flames consume what you are releasing, the smoke taking your intention to the Universe.

** Please Note: If your piece of paper struggles to light or burn, please consider if you are really ready to let this go! Only when you are willing to let go will the page burn – the faster the flames, the more willing you are to let it go.

* Then place your hands in the bowl of water. Signifying cleansing of the old and opening to the new.

* Remove your hands from the water and take a deep breath. Sit in silence for a moment. You may want to keep your candle burning for a while as you sit, allowing inspiration to spark.

This is only a suggestion of a ritual. Use your intuition to guide you. You may just want to sit with a lit candle and not burn your page.

You may want to have a shower or jump into the ocean as part of a cleansing ritual. You may want to meditate on what to let go of rather than write it down.

Go with what works for you and what you feel comfortable with. It all comes down to intention. As long as your stay centred in why you are doing things in a certain way, the results will follow as you intended them to.

Blessed Full Moon Blessings!

Leigh ^j^

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