Looking for a way to utilize the Full Moon Energy?  Why not try this quick, simple and  easy way to get the most out of the Full Moon. This Full Moon 'I Release' Ritual is a profound decree for releasing and is performed on a Full Moon.

Full Moon is a time to release the old and unwanted, stagnant, blockages, letting go of the past and to cut cords to all the things that no longer serves you.

One of the ways that can assist us to do this is with a Release Ritual.  Rituals help us bring Focus, Intention and Clarity to our lives, they also show us what is working for us and also what isn't.  Release Rituals help us be clear about what we want to change, release or bring into our lives.

A Full Moon Ritual is a powerful way to invoke the energy of the Full Moon.  (a ritual being a set of actions, often with symbolic value, performed in a ceremonial manner).

One of my favourite rituals for  releasing  is this Full Moon 'I Release" Ritual.  I find it to be quite powerful, peaceful and cleansing all at the same time. I hope you enjoy and find it helps you as much as it does me!

"I RELEASE" Ritual:

Materials Needed:

White Candle- (Colour of choice)
Flowers- (optional)
Fireproof Bowl

*  Prepare your space by Lighting your white candle. (any colour will work in the same way). Placing some flowers beside it (optional) Lighting incense (optional) , Play soft music (optional).

Write down I RELEASE invocations giving emphasis to “I RELEASE” by capitalizing it. “Dear Universe, God, Goddess and Archangel Michael:

I RELEASE all negativity attached to my body, mind, soul, and aura from across lives, space, dimension, and times.

I RELEASE all the blockages that hinders my growth and progress from body, mind, soul and aura; across lives, space, dimension, and times.

I RELEASE all karmic vows and promises I might have taken intentionally or unintentionally which blocks me from achieving my goals and happy life from my mind, body, soul, and aura across lives, space, dimension, and times.

I RELEASE all the curses I am carrying since across lives, space, dimension, and times from my mind, body, soul, and aura.

I RELEASE all the buried anger, negative emotions, financial blockages, and addictions from my mind, body, soul, and aura across lives, space, dimension, and times.

I RELEASE all unpleasant and negative memories from each of my cells, mind, body, soul, and aura across lives, space, dimension, and times.

*  I RELEASE and cut all cords from all aspect of my life that does not serve me anymore, that creates blockages and drains me off my energy from my mind, body, soul, and aura across lives, space, dimension, and times.

*  I hereby declare that I am healthy, wealthy, safe and happy now and forever.

*  I hereby declare that I am love, I am energy, I am power.

*  Thank You God, Goddess and Archangel Michael for RELEASING all past lives issues and cutting all negative cords from my mind, body, soul, and aura across lives, space, dimension, and times.”

If possible, go out in open area or balcony.

Read out the letter aloud if possible, emphasizing on I RELEASE.

Invoke the Moon Energy, Goddess Diane and Archangel Haniel.  (If you cannot say aloud, read in mind).

Burn the paper once you are done

** We are releasing blockages and stagnancy related to ALL aspects so no need to concentrate on particular aspects like finance, love, health etc only.

Full Moon Blessings!

Leigh ^j^

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