Enhance Your Daily Life: Losing Weight With the Help of Angels
ENHANCE YOUR DAILY LIFE: Weight Loss with The Angels...
Losing weight can be so challenging that after trying hard without seeing the results you want, you may feel like you need a miracle. Angels who specialize in healing—led by Archangel Raphael—are especially helpful angels to call on for help through prayer or meditation to encourage and strengthen you in your quest lose weight.Many a time, weight gain is an emotional and psychological issue. We use weight as a protective barrier against our own feelings such as anger and un-forgiveness that we do not know how to handle and sometimes our barrier increases around certain people or in certain situations too.
For instance, an attractive woman who is betrayed in love might decide subconsciously to get fat so as to become unattractive and avoid heartbreak altogether. The weight gain is her way of feeling "safeguarded" against heartache.
In such cases, no matter what we do to lose weight, nothing will help. I know it sounds twisted but it is true as it is self-sabotage. Of course, this doesn’t serve anyone.
Weight gain is a manifestation of stress and pent up feelings that are unhealthy for us. The body converts these feelings into fat. So as the feelings are released, the weight will also dissolve. In simpler cases, weight management is a matter of the proportion of exercise and diet.
Angels are messengers of God. They are one with God, not separate. They are beings of pure light and love and have no ego so they love each and every one of us unconditionally. We think of angels as glowing people with bright white wings and white light is the essence of the angels.
Every person has at least two guardian angels without exception and everybody can connect with their guardian angels for changes and miracles in all areas of their lives, including weight loss. They have the best solutions for us but they need our permission before they can intervene and bring us miracles and changes. No task or problem is too big or too small for the angels. All of us can work with them simultaneously.
The angels have solutions and guidance for us but we can access their wisdom only by asking for their help. Talk to your angels like you would talk to your best friend and they will make their signs and answers known to you repeatedly through voices, songs, messages, thoughts, ideas, knowingness, intuition, visuals, visions, etc. Say this prayer to connect with your angels:
"My dear guardian angels, please make your presence known to me in ways I will easily understand."
The angels will keep sending you signs and messages that will catch your attention till you trust in their presence and existence completely. There is nothing to be afraid of. Angels help us feel safe, loved and peaceful.
Holistic Healing
sends healing angels (who work within the green light ray) to help
people with health—be it physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, etc—to
achieve a complete state of peaceful well-being. Angels will take a
holistic approach to help you lose weight.
They’ll show you how to get
rid of excess weight in your thoughts and feelings that are contributing
to the excess weight on your body. Once your mind and spirit are healed
of the burdens that weigh them down (such as low self-esteem, fear,
greed, loneliness, or bitterness), you can make the healthy diet and
exercise choices you need to make for your body to heal.Motivation to Get Started
The hardest part of the weight loss journey is usually getting started. Considering all the hard work ahead of you can be daunting, and even overwhelming. Angels can motivate you to begin by helping you envision how healthy you could be once you reach the weight that’s best for your body. They can help you see yourself as God sees you, so you can understand how valuable you are and how worthwhile it is for you to take good care of yourself by becoming physically fit.Wisdom to Set Fitness Goals
Angels can give you the wisdom you need to set realistic and measurable goals that will help you gradually lose weight: from what foods to eat and how to control your portions to what types of exercise to do and when to schedule your workouts. If you regularly ask God and his angels to guide you, they can help you make the best decisions throughout your weight loss process.Energy to Exercise
Exercising can be exhausting for a while until your body adapts to your new workout routines. Angels can send you fresh doses of energy to strengthen your body for physical exertion.One way angels do so is by redirecting the balance of energy within your body through your chakras, which are energy centers in different parts of your body that affect your overall health in different ways. The chakra that corresponds most directly to the process of transforming your body by losing weight is the sacral chakra, which is associated with angels who work in the purple light ray.
Eating Differently
Changing your eating habits can be difficult when you’re eating too much, regularly craving unhealthy foods, or eating for emotional comfort rather than for physical nutrition. If you're having trouble controlling your portion sizes, angels can deliver the self-control you need.Angels can empower you to break your food cravings by placing new thoughts in your mind. Those thoughts can give you a fresh perspective on those foods, so they won't be enticing to you any longer.
Then angels can give you ideas for new ways that you can enjoy healthy foods in your diet.
If you've got an unhealthy habit of eating for emotional reasons, angels can help you break that habit when you pray about your emotional needs and ask them to help you turn to God (rather than to food) to meet those needs.
Resisting Temptation
Just as your body needs physical strength to exercise, your soul needs spiritual strength to resist temptations that can derail your progress.It's okay to occasionally treat yourself to reasonable portions of foods that you don't usually eat (such as potato chips or chocolate ice cream), but it's important not to let occasional treats tempt you to go back to unhealthy eating on a regular basis.
Angels can help you stay strong and aware when you eat, so you can decide intentionally how to eat rather than simply slide from eating treats back into an unhealthy diet overall.
Weight Loss Prayer:
" Archangel Raphael, surround me in your emerald green light. It is my intention to be more energetically vibrant and physically healthy. Thank you for helping me to stay focused on living a healthy life style, as well as to joyfully lose the excess weight that no longer serves me. And so it is – Amen! "
Angels can encourage you every step of the way throughout your weight loss journey. Anytime you need fresh doses of encouragement to keep working diligently, angels are only a prayer away!
Angel Prayers for Weight Loss:
Angels will help you with weight loss because that will bring you peace. Angels are here to make life peaceful for you. Angels will help you get to the root cause of your weight issue. Step-by-step they will guide you once you reach out for help.
They will send you messages repeatedly through different media till you take action so there is no need to worry about missing their guidance. The angels are gentle yet persistent coaches.
Here are some ways in which you can connect with the angels or ask for their help:
"Dear angels, I know you hear me. I ask you now to help me to get to the main cause of my weight issue and help me heal it from the inside out. Give me courage and guide me all the way. Thank you.”
"Dear angels, please help me make healthy food and drink choices today that serve my health, energy, and nutritional needs. Please dissolve any unhealthy cravings I may have and replace them with cravings for healthy fruits and veggies. Thank you."
This is great to eliminate food cravings and junk food. The angels might urge you to give up coffee, soda, and other drinks with caffeine, meat, processed foods, and alcohol and also help you deal with withdrawal symptoms.
"Dear angels, please help me choose an exercise program that is fun for me and helps me attain my ideal weight. Also, protect me from any injury as I exercise. Thank you."
"Dear angels, please motivate me to go for a walk/jog/cycling/gym and make it an enjoyable experience. Thank you."
"Dear angels, clearly guide me regarding the changes I need to make in my mindset, my lifestyle, and in my diet to attain my perfect weight. Thank you."
"Dear angels, please help me let go of smoking for good. Thank you."
"Dear angels, I am bored right now and in a bad mood; make life fun. Thank you!"
You can express gratitude to the angels or make a list of desires you wish to manifest or what you would like to happen during the day. Start with a list of five everyday and at the end of the day, see and be thankful for what has been accomplished.
As you say these prayers, notice what happens afterwards or any idea or action plan you might receive in your mind or feelings in your heart. Sometimes, the changes will happen right away, sometimes it will be a longer process where you need to take action too.
Make a diary and write your angel prayers and results there. That way you will notice a theme and gauge the progress you have made.
Have a Wonderful Day!
Leigh ^j^
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