
Showing posts from July 28, 2018


BLOOD MOON & TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE: Spiritual Meanings To Help You Navigate This Lunar Event! Happy Full Moon Everyone, and what a doozy it is!......Read how to get the most out of this Special Lunar Event, what Energies it will bring in and how will it affect us?  In addition to being a Full Moon, this July Moon will also be a Blood Moon (meaning the Full Moon will occur during a Total Lunar Eclipse). A Total Lunar Eclipse (is the movement of the moon into the Earth's shadow). This is a massive amount of Cosmic Energy swirling around at once, meaning this is time for review, looking inward, and clearing." The spiritual meanings are extremely relevant to what's happening socially, and in the the world at large. Eclipses are know as the drama queens of astrology, they come in hot and heavy with big sweeping changes or in the moments that can happen instantaneously. However it comes, all will end up shaping the next stages of our lives... The reas