BLOOD MOON & TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE: Spiritual Meanings To Help You Navigate This Lunar Event!

Happy Full Moon Everyone, and what a doozy it is!......Read how to get the most out of this Special Lunar Event, what Energies it will bring in and how will it affect us? 

In addition to being a Full Moon, this July Moon will also be a Blood Moon (meaning the Full Moon will occur during a Total Lunar Eclipse). A Total Lunar Eclipse (is the movement of the moon into the Earth's shadow).

This is a massive amount of Cosmic Energy swirling around at once, meaning this is time for review, looking inward, and clearing." The spiritual meanings are extremely relevant to what's happening socially, and in the the world at large.

Eclipses are know as the drama queens of astrology, they come in hot and heavy with big sweeping changes or in the moments that can happen instantaneously. However it comes, all will end up shaping the next stages of our lives...

The reason that this is such a unique and awe-inspiring event is because we have several separate events all colliding on the same day and enhancing the energy of everything that is involved. This July Blood Moon, accompanied with the LONGEST Total Lunar Eclipse of the Century, happens the day after Mercury turns retrograde — joining four other Retrograde Planets.

This total lunar eclipse intensifies the effects of the full moon in Aquarius with infinite power. While full moons aren't uncommon and blood moons aren't unbelievably rare, the fact that this will also be the longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century should prove its importance. Lasting a whopping 103 minutes, it is the harbinger of one the most intense transformations we've undergone in the last 18 years. Because that's just what a total lunar eclipse does. It brings significant change to our lives.

View Total Lunar Eclipse NASA TV >>

Being in the progressive zodiac sign of Aquarius, ruled by Uranus — planet of revolution, inspiration, and of course, change. With so much compounded energy forcing you to let go of something futile and rapidly embrace all the various new opportunities you have, it's time to trust in the cosmos.

All full moons naturally bring your shadow self out to play. All the thoughts and feelings tucked tightly away in your subconscious float to the surface, and everyone becomes more volatile, sensitive, and emotional.

When a total lunar eclipse is a full moon multiplied by a million, tensions begin swarming our world long before it even begins and the energy ebbs away long after it's over. This lunation doesn't simply change your mind, it changes your entire world. With so many intense metamorphoses going on, who can blame you for being over the top?

When the blood moon will also be forming a stressful conjunction to Mars — ruler of aggression, sexuality, and vigour — while it's in the middle of retrograde, you can expect energies to clash, crumble, and consume one another.

Although change is never easy, you will receive pockets of understanding during the emotional mayhem of the blood moon. These pockets of understanding will allow you to see where the path you're now moving on leads up to. There is something incredible waiting for you on the precipice of your destiny. As frustrating as it is, the road to your fullest potential is not straight, nor is it smooth. It bends, breaks, swerves, and crashes. A blood moon is merely a manifestation of that crash. Luckily, it is a crash you were always meant to survive.

As this Full Moon Eclipse seeks to move us a few steps forward so we can see a glimmer of light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. "As the Longest Lunar Eclipse we will ever experience, this is an opportunity for us to dig deep, and reach further to clear and let go of all that we no longer want to carry. This is a time for us to purge, cleanse, and detoxify. This is a time and opportunity for us to be able to release the karma of many lifetimes.

Spiritually, this Moon is asking us to take active steps toward healing old wounds Under this energy, the karma of our soul is going to be stirred, as Full Moons and Eclipses are always intense. This Aquarius Eclipse is going to push us further than ever before, to the point that we may feel uncomfortable.

As the Blood Moon comes to a close, you'll begin to feel your feet dangling over the spiritual edge, your intuition spilling you harsh truths, and the sensation that something big is about to happen. Whether you're ready for it or not, a Blood Moon will shove you toward change, and change never happens without the loss of something else.

Relationships, projects, careers, and beliefs are known to come to an end on an eclipse. What survives the purging of this blood moon is meant to remain in your life (at least for now).

If the changes that the blood moon brings leave you feeling helpless, anxious, or afraid, it doesn't mean that the change was wrong. If you look back on horrible events in your past, such as breakups, job terminations, and financial ruts, hopefully by now you realize that these events ultimately had a purpose, as they took you on a whole new adventure that would otherwise never have happened.

Spiritually is a process that people need to participate in to receive the benefits. Overall, the July Blood Moon and Lunar Eclipse represent a turning point for humankind.

There is no over-exaggerating the significance of this Lunar Event or the energies it brings with it! So, how can we get the most out of this Blood Moon Eclipse?

‘Moon Bathe’ – simply sit under the light of the moon & meditate – and is you breathe-in allow the moon to warm your Heart & expand the beauty of the present moment, and as you breathe-out let the light of the moon transmute that which you wish to release. 

Full Moon Ceremonies  either lighting a candle for yourself or coming together with others in sacred circle, is a powerful way to bring healing to the self or group and simply BE with the wave of LOVE for all Humanity & planet Earth.

Crystal Charging – placing your crystals out under the Full Moon to cleanse their crystalline structures and infuse them with solar vibrations.

Rituals – rituals are a powerful way to work with the Full Moon energies. Here are 3 Full Moon rituals that may assist you. 


FULL MOON RITUAL: 5 Simple Practices to do on a Full Moon -


Doing a Full Moon Ritual or any other Practise you choose will help you to get in Alignment with this Special Moon and Kick-Start your Future!

Happy Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse!

Leigh ^j^

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