
Showing posts from August 1, 2018

RITUALS: How to Set New Month Intentions For Positive Changes in Your Life!

RITUALS: For Positive Changes in Your Life! Intentions, what are they,  how do they work, and how to create the life you want using them! That is what we are looking at today. Setting Intentions allows you to feel centered and balanced no matter what’s happening around you. Instead of going through the motions, it gives your days purpose and gets you closer to who and where you want to be. They allow you to get clear on who you want to be and gives you guiding principles to focus on to get to where you want to be. Wayne Dyer said, “Our intention creates our reality.” What you think, say, and focus on becomes your truth. Setting clear intentions also helps you to course-correct and be more balanced if difficulties arise. Setting Intentions is key to manifesting personal and professional goals. How many times have you heard “What you think, you become” ? Setting Intentions is the first step to embodying what you want in life, who you want to become, and create positiv


NEW MONTH: SYMBOLISM & MEANING OF AUGUST 2018 Happy August Everyone! Every month has its own vibration – a feeling that is unique to its own transitional span of time. What energy will August bring? Read below to find out... August is a month of thrilling, life-changing new beginnings. It is the doorway to a new era and reality in your life. The month of August reminds us that everything is a cycle -- Now is the time for rejuvenation, and new beginnings. August is the time to embrace the new path before you. August Power Words: Courage, Strength, Enlightenment. You can use these keywords to create a positive affirmation which you can repeat to yourself through the month of August. This aids in the manifestation process of conjuring forth the energy needed to be fortuitous in our endeavours this month. August Birthstone: Peridot is a lovely light green colour, is know as a symbol of purity and morality. Peridot has positive implications for the month of August

DAILY ORACLE CARD: Wednesday 1st, August 2018

DAILY CARD    ~* THE DRAGON *~ Power - Strength...   The Dragon comes to offer you its power and strength, to protect and fortify you on this leg of your journey. The Dragon symbolizes true power and reminds you that this infinite source is not found within your personality or ego. True power resides deep within your soul. So call on the Dragon's spiritual power and strength, and you will find a vast resource to strengthen your resolve... through morality, integrity, and purpose. If you're struggling with these issues, the Dragon will restore them to you. Remember that the power of the spiritual world can never be broken, and true strength is found within - not in the outside world. Never mistake a gentle man for a weak one. Watch for a signal - the Dragon always makes the next step clear, and gives you the power to take it. Have a Wonderful Day! Leigh ^j^ If you enjoyed this post, please - Like - Subscribe - Share...Thank you!....Miss Any Posts? No problem, you