
Showing posts from July 19, 2018

RITUAL: 10 Great Grounding Rituals To Help Restore Your Energy Levels And Reclaim Your Personal Power!

10 Great Grounding Practices To Help Restore Your Energy Levels And Reclaim Your Personal Power! These great grounding Rituals: will help you understand what it really means to "ground yourself" and ten easy ways to make it work with your life. Grounding is a buzz word in wellness and spiritual practices. Maybe you've heard it, said it loosely, but don't fully know what it means to ground yourself. Grounding is a practice of bringing balance back into the body, and it's often (though not solely) completed through establishing a connection with the earth. It's about being fully immersed, fully conscious and fully aware of the present. This allows you to grow deeper in your spiritual practice because you can, in a sense, shut off your spiritual side and really live and enjoy the present. That's key to health and wellness, and it's key to spirituality. We all know someone who spends a lot of time up in the clouds or off in La La Land. But

DAILY ORACLE CARD: Thursday 19th July, 2018

DAILY CARD    ~* THE EARTH FAERY *~ Physical Health - Grounding - Foundations... The Earth Faery says to pay attention to your health and all things pertaining to your physical body. Perhaps you need to exercise, pay attention to your diet, or get more sleep? The Earth Faery reminds you to indulge your senses. It's good to revel in the sensations of your body. The sensual world is an important part of the path to Avalon and must be honoured. When The Earth Faery appears, she reminds you to get into your body and out of your head. Don't spend so much time analysing things over and over. Get your hands into some dirt-gardening perhaps? Walk barefoot in the grass, and remember that your physical self is the house of your spirit, as the Mother Earth houses you. Get grounded; remember you are part of the living earth. Stay connected. Another message from the Earth Faery is to make sure the foundations of all you do are