
Showing posts from January 13, 2018

WEEKLY HOROSCOPES! 13th Jan ➤ 19th Jan

TIP FOR THE WEEK: If you're looking for a reason to be productive or simply just want to catch a break this is YOUR best week to get things back in order.   Aries: Movement. Jupiter and Pluto never do anything by halves, and with Jupiter currently in the zone of financial relationships and Pluto influencing career and life-direction, there could be some extremely positive developments in these areas of life. It is possible that this aspect will preside over a financial upset or some other matter crucial to your ambitions. Wednesday's Capricorn new moon is indicative of a window of opportunity opening now or within the next two to four weeks. And this is a good thing. A new phase is beginning and to a certain extent these past two weeks have been about clearing away the past in preparation for a fresh start. Taurus: Expanding your horizon. If last week set the cat among the pigeons and had you running in ten different directions at once, this week give