
Showing posts from December 16, 2018

WEEKLY HOROSCOPES: 15th Dec > 21st Dec 2018

What Insights does the STARS reveal about your upcoming Week? Check out your Star Sign below to find out! Weekly Horoscopes are guides for the coming week to help you navigate and make the best use of current and upcoming energies. Highlight how they might affect us all as well as highlights of key influences for each of the zodiac sign. These weekly forecasts come from the planetary influences that govern the energy of each day. Each day of the week is governed by a planet or a luminary (moon and sun), and so each day has a special energy and feel to it according to its overruling planet. TIP FOR THE WEEK:   This week calls us to break from living out the tired old dramas. Each of us can choose a better option for whatever is happening personally.   We do not have to be in replay mode forever. If we refuse to play the same old tapes, the mind will come up with a better solution. THIS WEEKS STAR SIGN GUIDE: ♈  Aries (March 20–April 19) Your charisma is power
Friday Oracle Card: 14th Dec 2018 - THE KING -   Man - Authority - Justice. The King appears to represent powers of Justice, Authority, the Law, male sexual energy, things pertaining to the law and male sexual energy. When the King appears on your path, it’s time to put your house in order, complete any unresolved legal issues and deal with issues related to fairness. The King always lets you know that something significant is yours to experience and learn from. The King requires you to take inventory of anything left undone and do it. Pay bills, settle arguments, make amends and act with authority, as all these actions abolish weakness and restore power. You're also reminded that the King is regarded in highest esteem and, within his natural authority, he acts with intelligence and strategy. Think and analyze, and the King will bestow great gifts on you. There is another meaning when the King appears on your path. If you are inquiring about a man and your rela