
Showing posts from July 23, 2018

Energetic Clearing Ritual: A Simple yet Powerful Technique To Shift Energy Blocks and Emotions

Feeling stuck within yourself or in life? Why not try this quick and easy technique to clear any and all blockages you may have. Simple yet Powerful, this technique helps shift any and all energy blockages and can be used to heal anything! "If you walk past a shouting match in the street, you’ll carry some of the anger energy home in the form of emotional and physical tension." Just as with matter, energy can get stuck to us. Like a dam, it gets stuck and more energy builds up behind it until there is a vast amount of stuck energy, causing an energy blockage.The stuck energy then causes dis-ease, pain and illness. This emotion stays there, attracting similar emotions. It expands and festers until it becomes a dis-ease of the body, mind or spirit. This stuck emotion may show itself as depression, arthritis, fibromyalgia, heart dis-ease, anxiety or any number of dis-eases. If we continue to hold onto the emotion, our dis-ease will become more and more unbearable as

DAILY ORACLE CARD: Monday 23rd July, 2018

DAILY CARD   ~* THE HORSE *~ Accepting Help - Authority... The Horse appears on your path to offer assistance. If you’re asking a question about your life, the Horse says that you will indeed receive help from another to aid you on your quest. Too often, do you refuse help from others? Do you sometimes feel that although you give to others no one helps you? Well, you don’t have to walk the whole way alone. You can get help. The Horse appears to remind you that assistance is for the asking. Sometimes you need to be carried to get to your destination. Trust that when Horse appears, help is yours. Remember to ask for it, and also remember to accept it when it’s offered. Have a Wonderful Day! Leigh ^j^ If you enjoyed this post, please - Like - Subscribe - Share...Thank you!....Miss Any Posts? No problem, you can catch up here >> CONTACT