Energetic Clearing Ritual: A Simple yet Powerful Technique To Shift Energy Blocks and Emotions

Feeling stuck within yourself or in life? Why not try this quick and easy technique to clear any and all blockages you may have.

Simple yet Powerful, this technique helps shift any and all energy blockages and can be used to heal anything!

"If you walk past a shouting match in the street, you’ll carry some of the anger energy home in the form of emotional and physical tension."
Just as with matter, energy can get stuck to us. Like a dam, it gets stuck and more energy builds up behind it until there is a vast amount of stuck energy, causing an energy blockage.The stuck energy then causes dis-ease, pain and illness.

This emotion stays there, attracting similar emotions. It expands and festers until it becomes a dis-ease of the body, mind or spirit. This stuck emotion may show itself as depression, arthritis, fibromyalgia, heart dis-ease, anxiety or any number of dis-eases. If we continue to hold onto the emotion, our dis-ease will become more and more unbearable as our body attempts to communicate with us to heal the stuck emotion. 

If you stand near a campfire, you’ll carry the smell of the smoke home in your clothes and hair. You may be carrying around years of negative emotional residue, fear, resentment, and stress. And while persistent energy blocks can be subtle – they typically show up in the way that you feel.

They wreak havoc on your immune system, and cause feelings of heaviness, exhaustion, worry, frustration, sadness, and other lower vibrational experiences. Whatever the cause or effect, be aware that stagnant and unhealthy energy is temporary and changeable – and that you have the power to a create positive and healthy flow in your energy. 

What emotions have you stuffed somewhere in your body where you hope they will never be found?

Energetic Clearing Technique:

Take a deep breath and relax. Decide what issue you want to work on, then repeat the following:

“I ask my Spirit, to go throughout time, through my ancestry, through my soul’s lineage, through my soul contracts, through all of my aspects and locate all causes, signs, side effects,

Predispositions to and damage from all the ways and all the reasons me or any of my aspects feel or have ever felt issue or negative emotion.

Take my Higher Self and every aspect of my being to the very first incident that caused this issue to start. Analyze every aspect of it and heal it perfectly, permanently and completely.

Come throughout time, through my ancestry, through my soul’s lineage, through my soul contracts,

Through all of my aspects, healing each incident based upon the foundation of the first, until I am at the present filled with light, love, peace and truth.

I am/feel positive thought or emotion.

Know that every negative thought or inappropriate behaviour based on this issue quickly disappears.

Take all the time you need Spirit, but quicken time and do the job NOW.

Thank you, Spirit.”

Repeat this clearing statement as often as necessary until the issue has resolved.

What will I feel during a release session?

Because we will be releasing emotional energy, you may feel that release in some way. A lot of times, this will be experienced as getting the chills, yawning (yawning is a great sign we are releasing stress from the nervous system).

sometimes a wave of nausea for just a second or two, a sneeze, stomach gurgling, or just getting sleepy and very relaxed. Some people are mores sensitive than others, so if you feel nothing, that’s perfectly OK too!

How fast will I see results?

The answer to this varies. While things like grief, fear and anger tend to transform faster, physical symptoms can sometimes take longer to shift.

The emotional release works to reduce the stress on the immune system. It may then take time for the body to heal.

“Healing may not be so much about getting better, as about letting go of everything that isn’t you–all of the expectations, all of the beliefs, and becoming who you are.” - Rachel Naomi Remen

What helps or doesn't help this releasing process?

I have found that ‘allowing’ is such a massive part of healing. Although it’s definitely no surprise we are hoping to get immediate results.

Keep in mind how long it took us to get this way and if we want to heal deeply and completely, it cannot happen overnight.

Being too attached to immediate results, and expending energy analyzing and judging the process and the time its taking, is in its own right a healing block. The energy you are expending for that instead of just allowing, could be freed up for healing.

From my own journey, I can tell you I healed fastest when I was engaged in the process of unfolding, discovering myself and how I got to where I did.

Final Thoughts:

We, as human beings, are not one-size-fits-all and the same goes for healing. Trying to use only one technique to heal yourself to wholeness usually isn’t too effective.

Whenever intense emotions are felt, immediately focus on breathing fully and steadily. DO NOT REACT. Simply breathe.

Doing the "Energetic Clearing" offers inner peace and a clear sense of purposeful direction that leads to balance and healthfulness in of our body, mind, spirit, and our outer world.

If you’re used to feeling energetically cluttered, it may be uncomfortable as you shift to clarity. Stick with it though!

Happy Clearing Everyone!

Leigh ^j^



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