
Showing posts from August 22, 2018

Enhance Your Daily Life: Losing Weight With the Help of Angels

ENHANCE YOUR DAILY LIFE: Weight Loss with The Angels...  Losing weight can be so challenging that after trying hard without seeing the results you want, you may feel like you need a miracle. Angels who specialize in healing—led by Archangel Raphael—are especially helpful angels to call on for help through prayer or meditation to encourage and strengthen you in your quest lose weight. Many a time, weight gain is an emotional and psychological issue. We use weight as a protective barrier against our own feelings such as anger and un-forgiveness that we do not know how to handle and sometimes our barrier increases around certain people or in certain situations too. For instance, an attractive woman who is betrayed in love might decide subconsciously to get fat so as to become unattractive and avoid heartbreak altogether. The weight gain is her way of feeling "safeguarded" against heartache. In such cases, no matter what we do to lose weight, nothing will

DAILY ORACLE CARD: Wednesday 22nd August 2018

DAILY CARD   ~* THE BARD *~ Music - Poetry - History... This card represents music; storytelling; and the passing of truths, myths, and legends from generation to generation through the spoken word or song. In ancient Avalon, the traditions and stories of the people were gathered on leaves that served as letters in a living alphabet and were tended in vast, long houses. Here the Druids and priestesses came to read and weave the stories of magic and the sacred relationship to the God/Goddess and the Mystery. Those schooled in the art of music and storytelling were given the task of informing their world and keeping the stories of their culture alive. They were given the name of Bard. When the bard appears you're asked to seek answers in your own personal history. Go back into your own story and find the threads of the patterns in your reality and trace their length to the present. Perhaps you'll be surprised by how much of your past, or that