
Showing posts from May 22, 2018

DAILY ORACLE CARD: Tuesday 22nd May, 2018

DAILY CARD ~* THE SPIDER *~  Creative Projects - Creating... The Spider reminds you that you have within you the gift to create meaningful, purposeful work. Within you is an artist waiting to be expressed. Think about this: Do you write in a journal each day?  Do you draw, paint, cook or play music?  Do you realize that everything you do on a daily basis is an act of co-creation with the Divine? The Spider signals that it's time to be aware of your responsibility for the creations in your life. Maybe you need to rethink an issue and apply your inner artist to find a solution. If you're unhappy with anything, ask yourself,  "How can I create a better, more productive and loving experience for myself and others?" Whether you see yourself as an artist or not, you're always co-creating with the divine. You are the architect of your own happiness and fulfilment. What life are you building?   Don’t just sit there - this is your time to create! Have a Wonderful

DAILY ORACLE CARD: Monday 21st May, 2018

DAILY CARD ~* THE SERPENT *~  Knowledge - Healing..  The Serpent's message is one of healing and of gaining knowledge. Whatever situation you're in right now is meant for this purpose. The Serpent also reminds you that knowledge is important. Perhaps it is time to read a book or take a class in order to gain more understanding of your enquiry, or you may need to ask questions of others who 'know' and can help you. Ask The Serpent and you will be guided to the right answer easily and effortlessly. The Serpent heralds success if you follow his signal. The Serpent also lets you know that you may be suffering because there are aspects of yourself that are wounded and still need tending. Now is the time for this. Perhaps you need to rest, meditate and allow the knowledge to come to consciousness. Or maybe you just need to sleep more. Another aspect of Serpent energy is that each time you experience a healing or learn new things, you may need to shed your skin to ado