
Showing posts from December 18, 2018

Tuesday Oracle Card: 18th Dec 2018

Today's card is - TRUTH -   A Journey Marker. Truth in word and deed is what is required of you by drawing this marker. As well as resonating with your own personal truth, it’s important now to also demand the same from others. In every person there's a vibrational energy that's accessible by slowing down and searching within to inquire, "Is this real? Am I hearing Truth from another, or is it a lie? Am I speaking honestly myself, or am I lying to manipulate circumstances to get what I want?" Remember, even a white lie will cause your light to fade and loose power. A lie takes you down into the lower vibrations of the ego world, ruled by separation and limitation-and it's seduction of the lower world and serves no one but the forces of darkness. This marker reminds you to remain in the light, even if it seems like a more difficult path. Truth will build a bridge across a chasm. Truth will lend a magic wand of strength and integrity. Truth is

Monday Oracle Card: 17th Dec 2018

Today's card is - LADY OF THE LAKE -   Truth - Courage - Self-Respect. The Lady of the Lake represents the highest order of respect for yourself and the manner in which you operate in the world around you. She is the harsher element of truth, where denial is swept away by a tidal wave of events. In the ancient legend of Avalon, the Lady of the Lake presented Merlin wit the sword of truth, which had been claimed by Arthur, who became High King of Britain. The magic that welded the metal was fired by the will of the God/Goddess. Consequently, when the Lady of Lake appears, she demands nothing short of total truth and integrity; she asks you to be mindful of all the signs, signals and omens that present themselves to you. This is not the time to second guess. If a signal appears, be assured that a challenge has been presented. Moving forward without acknowledgement of the challenge will result in unnecessary difficulties. If the signal is to move, she pushes you to act.