
Showing posts from February 1, 2018

DAILY CARD: Thursday 1st February, 2018

  ~ * LOVE * ~ A Journey Marker..   This marker reminds you to show kindness and compassion to all whom you meet on your path—be it a beggar on a street corner, a co-worker, a family member, an animal, or a plant whose leaves need pruning. This marker asks you to shift perception from yourself as a solitary person on the earth to one who’s part of a living system. Love is what made you, so keep it flowing. Remember to receive love as well. Ask yourself, “Am I blocking love?” This marker reminds you that you’re as connected to all of life as it is to you, and that you’re responsible to be the steward of the love of the God/Goddess. Love is without conditions—it is respectful, mindful, sees all life as sacred, and acts in accordance. Love reminds you that this very planet is a living being. Love is the very essence of the Divine in you, and it sees the Divine in others. This is the time to see through the eyes if Love and always ask before you act, “What would Love do?” The answer wi

NEW MONTH: February 2018

FEBRUARY MEANING & SPIRIT MESSAGE! Happy New Month Everyone, read about what energy February brings, how to get the most out of this New Month and what guidance Spirit has for us... Month of February Meaning and Symbolism: The word February is born from the Latin word Februarius, from Latin februare meaning to "purify" or "expiate." In ancient Rome, Februarius was the "Month of Purification" and great festivities were held to re-establish the empire's focus on righteous living. February sees many of us getting our first breath of fresh air. And, by this time of year the pressure of New Year's resolutions is either incorporated itself into healthy habits or dropped by the wayside. February is a transitional month, and so February meaning and symbolism will have a transitional feel too. There is change in the air this time of year, and we can see this manifested in certain festivals & holidays in this month.