NEW MONTH: February 2018


Happy New Month Everyone, read about what energy February brings, how to get the most out of this New Month and what guidance Spirit has for us...

Month of February Meaning and Symbolism:

The word February is born from the Latin word Februarius, from Latin februare meaning to "purify" or "expiate." In ancient Rome, Februarius was the "Month of Purification" and great festivities were held to re-establish the empire's focus on righteous living.

February sees many of us getting our first breath of fresh air. And, by this time of year the pressure of New Year's resolutions is either incorporated itself into healthy habits or dropped by the wayside.

February is a transitional month, and so February meaning and symbolism will have a transitional feel too. There is change in the air this time of year, and we can see this manifested in certain festivals & holidays in this month.

Symbolic Trees of February:

In the ancient Celtic way thought, trees offer magnificent wisdom and open up new branches of understanding about everything, including phases of the year. The Ogham is a sacred system of tree knowledge used for many purposes, including the passage of time. The Rowan tree twists in February's awareness as a tribute to Brigid, a matriarch, Celtic goddess and magical maven in Irish mythology. With this association, the Rowan is a symbol of protection, discernment, transition and balance. Rowan's are ideal witching sticks (for locating "power-pockets" in the earth, finding water for wells) - this is symbolic of finding our spiritual paths. When invoked in February, the Rowan can help us clarify our vision and seek advantageous routes upon our life's journey.

February is shared by both Ash and Rowan in the Celtic lunar calendar. According to the ancient Druidic Ogham, the Ash is also a transitional symbol - making it a fitting icon for February - a month in which Spring is just beginning its ascension. Ash is a sign of creation and connects new life to our awareness where once there may have been a bleak outlook. In-line with many festivals of renewal in February, the Ash is also symbolic of rebirth.

Symbolic Flowers of February:

Violets (and pansies) will bloom in very cold weather. Sighting their bright petals in the snow is a picture of hope, inspiration and promise. Spring is not far when the Violets come to call. The Violet is a symbol of the ancient city of Athens. Its fragrance is sweet and the Violet has been used for centuries as a key ingredient for perfumes to arouse and stir whirlpools of love. In ancient festivals & ceremony Violets were often woven as a crown to be worn upon the head. This signified high minded intentions as well as protection from mental ruin. Folk medicine prescribes Violets for protection against headaches and hangovers. The colour violet, a mix of blue and red (purple) is symbolic of the Crown chakra and also represents the connection between heaven and earth.

The Primrose is included in February meaning because of its initiatory nature - it's one of the first to herald the forthcoming of spring. Its name, primrose is derived from the Latin primus meaning first. Primrose symbolism includes courage because it takes moxie to blossom in the face of stark cold conditions -it also takes gumption to be the first to come out in the open. Primrose symbolism also includes renewal, love and devotion - all themes germane to this month of February. Primrose is also a sacred symbol of Freya, the ancient Norse goddess of beauty, refinement, fertility, love purity and youthfulness. Ancient Celtic wisdom cites the primrose affiliated with the fairie realms. Seeing a patch of primroses is a landmark or gateway into the faerie lands.

Symbolic Festivals of February:

Fortuna Dies (Day of Fortune):
February meaning is made more invigorating when we explore ancient Rome for festivals held this month. The Roman goddess Fortuna holds her debut in February (around the 5th, but often these festivals honouring various deities lasted for weeks in old Rome!). She is the goddess of luck, fortune, marriage, fertility and fate. Her symbols and her visage are commonly seen on the Wheel of Fortune card of the Tarot which might be a useful meditative card this month. Fortuna Dies is the day devoted to Fortuna, and is a day for practising divination and "fortune telling." Roman sorceresses, magicians, seers, and oracles were all honoured on this day. It was a day for paying respect to the invisible powers that influence our lives. A day for becoming more mindful of the signs and symbols of the environment with a goal to foretell upcoming events.

Valentine's Day:
Any discussion about February symbolism without mention of Valentine's day is criminal. Whether you are in the "bah humbug" camp about this day (February 14th) or don your own cupid wings - there is no denying Valentine's day is devoted to love. There are several St. Valentine's associated with the date in history. Several theories surface at the explanation of the holiday, one depicts a rebel St. Valentine administering the sacred vows of marriage to military men and their wives even though Claudius the Second banned marriages (amongst soldiers). Another theory links Valentine's day with Lupercalia, an ancient festival (also Roman) of fertility and purification. Lupercalia is derived from Lupa, the legendary she-wolf who nursed the founders of Rome: Romulus and Remus. The feast of Lupercalia is symbolic of the founding, provision and growth of the empire. Therefore, Lupercalian ceremonies and rituals were performed as a means to galvanize the proliferation and expansion of the empire.

Feast of Feralia: 
One of my favourite observances. Around the 21st of February, ancient Romans honoured their ancestors, the souls of their deceased (also known as "Manes"). Feralia is the public festival, where as Parentalia is the private observance of loved ones passed from physical realms. Parentalia was a week-long observance conducted privately among Roman citizens. Behind closed doors, words of honour were spoken in reverence to ancestors, special meals were eaten in observance of transitioned souls and ceremonies were held within the family to pay tribute to loved ones of days gone by. After a week of somber devotion, Feralia sparked a public festival. Feasts were consumed and offerings were left at grave-sites to publicly convey love, honour and remembrance of the dead. Violets were strewn everywhere, particularly upon grave stones to make the memories of loved ones immortal. Special artisan breads and wines were also left as offerings to the dearly departed. Salt was also sprinkled around altars and graves as a symbol of preserving (curing) the memories of loved ones.

Spirit Message for February:

In January we amplified our hearts; in February, we amplify our strength and our truth. To me, I intuitively feel that we strengthen this new amplification of our heart centres, and bring to us new and inventive ways of making physical progress.

This is a time for trust and belief in the self, and how the universe works for us. The tests and challenges that come along the way will only serve to strengthen us further, and help us heal the issues that have made us stray from the core centre of our inner being.

You are incredibly in tune with your desires now; you feel more direction, deep within your soul, due to the deep connection you have made with yourselves. I want you to know that the changes you are both making and seeking are steeping deeply now. All is coming as it needs.

I also am here to inform you to not make your life about the change; the change is not what is important. What is important is how the change reflects the development that is going on within you, and the pure connection you have made to your inner self. Focus and take time during this month to build your strength and courage, and give yourself a strong foundation to maintain these changes that directly mirror your inner growth.

In the months that come, you will be taking great leaps; in order to not exert yourself, or give too much effort that drains you, now is a time to feel solid and sure within yourself. By this you know what I mean; you know when you feel a wobble within you, when you feel yourself faltering, so now is a time to anchor yourself in your new beliefs, your new desires and perspectives, and make them strong.

This means to care for your physically body, take time with your emotions and thoughts, and anchor them constantly. Repeat your affirmations, write down your inspirations and reflections, and focus on this part of you that is emerging and let it come out strongly. There is not much you need to do; it will all come to you the more you anchor yourself in your truth. Let this new you be anchored to the ground, and feel the earthiness of it. In this way you are bringing your ethereal truth into the Earth and the physical world.

Most of all, do not lose the healing perspective; all is here to serve you, help you embrace your truth and strength, and give you power. Focus on growing your inner power; there is no one you need fight against, no thing you need to exert yourself over; it all comes naturally and effortlessly when you remind yourself consistently of who you are, and how your desires reflect you.

Anchor yourself in the why behind your desires, and state each day who you are: a loving, peaceful being, deserving of all manifestation. In this way, your life shall change. I am here to remind you of this strength as you move forward, onward and upward...

Thank you for reading! May all your moments in February blossom with good fortune. 

Blessings Leigh ^j^

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