NEW MOON RITUAL: Utilizing the New Moon Energy to Cleanse & Charge your Crystals!

Utilizing the New Moon Energy to Cleanse & Charge your Crystals 

We have a powerful New Moon Eclipse this July, making it the perfect time to break out those crystals and clear or charge them up for the next few months.
Each New Moon and Full Moon holds a unique Frequency, when tapped into consciously, these cycles will be of great benefit for you and your life and to those around you.It is also an ideal time for Cleansing & Energetically Charging your Crystals.

Sometimes a stone or crystal you are strongly drawn to doesn’t feel good, or a stone that felt good previously doesn’t feel good now. The stone or crystal may need to be cleared. Clearing is necessary before using any stone for healing. The clearer the energy of a healing stone, the more powerful it is.
Crystals and healing gemstones need to be cleared as soon as they are purchased as well as clearing after every healing. A cleared, ready crystal feels positive and bright, tingly and cold to the touch. A crystal that needs clearing may feel hot, heavy or drained.

New Moon’s are a great time to:

Clear and release built up energy in a crystal.
Charge the crystal up with positive vibes and manifestations
Moonlight is a great way to cleanse crystals and stones. Moonlight is a natural deep cleanser and is easily accessible to cleanse and charge your stones. The energy is the most powerful during the new moon and full moon cycles so that is one of the best times to use this method.
Leave your crystals outside to bathe in the moon for at least 4 hours or overnight to achieve a deep cleansing and charging. All of the residual energy, negative energy, and toxicity the crystal has accumulated since your last cleansing will be released and purified so your crystal will be ready to work with its full potential.

If you are concerned with leaving crystals outdoors you can place crystals inside by a window or inside a car by the windshield so they can bathe in the moon or sun without the fear of getting the crystals wet, lost, or damaged by weather.

Clearing Crystals:

The New Moon is a time of releasing and new beginnings, making it the perfect time to clear your crystals of any old and stagnant energy.

Crystals absorb the energy that is around them, which is why it is always important to clear your crystal when you first receive it and after heavy use. This is especially true if you have been working with a crystal and have seen the manifestation occur in your physical life.

In fact, even if your crystal has just been sitting on your altar or shelf, it still has the potential to hold stagnant energy, so it must be cleansed every so often in order for it to do its best work. Crystals that are not cleansed can be prone to breaking and can also be difficult to work with. Other signs that a crystal needs clearing is they may feel hot, heavy or drained. They also may look dull and foggy.

Steps for cleansing your crystals:

Wash them well with water, smudging or a clean cloth ...
Set your crystals out. ...
The ideal time to put them out is just after sunset. ...
Pull them in the next morning before the sun gets to them. ... 
New Moon’s energies are felt strongest within the four days after they peak, so try to cleanse your crystals during this time frame.

* Some crystals are sensitive to water and could be damaged.

Can I place my crystals in the window or does it need to be in direct moon light? Crystals don't have to be directly in the Moonlight, outside, or in a window. They could be sitting in a box under your bed and still benefit from the energy of the Moon. You can leave the crystal out up to 4 days after the New Moon has peaked, however 1-2 days is fine also.

You may also want to rest your crystal on a piece of selenite or quartz in order for the cleansing to be more potent. These stones are great for clearing and can help your crystal to release all the built up energy.

Do all crystals need to be cleansed?

A lot of folks may feel it does not need cleansing at all, but in my simple way of thinking, everything needs to be cleaned now and again. Some crystals that many feel do not need to be cleansed would include: Citrine, Carnelian, Clear Quartz, and Kyanite.

What now that I have cleansed my crystals? Once you have cleansed your crystal, charge it up by holding it in your hands and setting your intention into the crystal. You want to put the “feeling” of your intention into your crystal in order for it to be most effective.

For the next few days, keep the crystal close to you and sleep with it beside your bed, this will help the crystal to be extra charged.The crystal can then be used for the coming weeks to help you move through any of life’s ups and downs.

Charging a Crystal on the New Moon?

When you charge a crystal on the night of a New Moon, it helps it to lock in the vibration of the New Moon so you can work with the energy throughout the coming weeks or months. New Moon’s are a time of new beginnings and fresh starts. They help us to release and purge built up energy, events and situations in order for us to release and let them go.

When you charge a crystal on the New Moon, it allows you to use the crystal to do releasing work and start fresh with things in your life. If you know that you have a new cycle starting in your life, charging up your crystal on a New Moon can also help you to cope with the new changes.

Of course, the specific crystal you choose to charge will slightly change the vibration, however there is no limit to what you can choose. To charge your crystal it has to be cleansed first. You can cleanse your crystal through smudging or resting it on a piece of selenite or quartz. You can also cleanse your crystal on the night of the New Moon, and then charge it up during the next few days.

Charging your crystals is done by filling them with your intentions. Place them in a safe place, windowsill, garden table or somewhere you judge as being best. You can also leave them sitting inside your window, this way works best for valuable jewellery that you don’t want to leave outside.

You should ideally leave them out overnight but do try to bring them in before sunlight. Some crystals can loose their colour from the sun, it will not affect their vibrations but it can be upsetting if your beloved crystals lose their vibrant luster. New Moon’s are felt strongest four days after they peak, so try to charge and cleanse your crystal during this time frame.

Once you have cleansed your crystal, charge it up by holding it in your hands and setting your intention into the crystal. You want to put the “feeling” of your intention into your crystal in order for it to be most effective.

It is important to remember that after you have charged your crystals that you give them time to renew their abilities of focusing and expanding energies and vibrations. So for the next few days, keep the crystal close to you and sleep with it beside your bed, this will help the crystal to be extra charged. The crystal can then be used for the coming weeks to help you move through any of life’s ups and downs.

How long do crystals stay

After clearing you can place in the sun to charge for about 5 minutes. Sun charging is best for red, orange & yellow crystals. Some may fade if left too long under the sunlight. You can also leave your crystals out under the moon overnight.

A lunar eclipse is super charged and is a perfect time to perform spiritual practices such as meditations, affirmations and charging your crystals. It will also help you cleanse yourself of any negative thoughts or belief systems that no longer serve you for the better.

Some Crystals that resonate with a new moon well:

it's a particularly powerful time to work with crystals. "Setting an intention is a powerful tool for achieving happiness. Crafting an intention starts by setting goals that align with your values, aspirations, and purpose," 

Clear Quartz: Clear quartz is known for its ability to absorb negative energy and hold your thoughts and intentions, making it an ideal crystal for manifesting during the new moon. Clear Quartz further amplifies your intentions.

Snowflake Obsidian: Obsidian has myriad healing properties. Use this stone during the July 2019 new moon to stand in your power, ground yourself, exercise self control, channel your inner strength, cultivate creativity, and deflect negative energy.
Selenite: The mother of all cleansers, selenite can be used for energy cleansing and healing during the new moon, and every day. "Selenite has the ability to quickly unblock stagnant, stuck energy to promote a healthy, smooth flow of energy throughout your body," Selenite dispels all negative energy from your system, bringing calming energies, mental clarity, and deep peace."

Citrine: Because the new moon is all about setting intentions, Citrine can be used to manifest wealth, abundance, happiness, love, and success.

Carnelian Point: If you've been feeling stuck during the first half of 2019, the July 2019 new moon and total solar eclipse is the time to propel yourself forward. In order to to that, you're going to need a carnelian point crystal.'
"This point is extremely powerful when you need to take a leap of faith and follow a new path. It asks that you stop waiting for your dreams to magically happen and instead take action, even the smallest action, to make them come to life," 

Satin Spar: Satin Spar are lunar crystals that cleanse energy that no longer serves you. If Satin Spar is unavailable you could use Rainbow Moonstone, Snow Quartz (aka Milky Quartz) or Clear Quartz.
Moonstone: Moonstone is the stone of the Moon and supports new beginnings. These stones can be substituted with Celestite, Black Moonstone or Merlinite (Dendritic Agate).
Labradorite: Labradorite helps you transform yourself. These crystals can be substituted with Chrysoprase, Malachite or Healer’s Gold.

Smoky Quartz: Smoky Quartz clears negative energy and thinking. These crystals can be substituted with Black Tourmaline blades/points or Tibetan Black Quartz Crystals.



A quick way to cleanse your healing stones is to smudge them with burning cedar or sage. Smudging is an excellent way to make sure your stones are purified. Simply hold the burning sage or cedar stick while passing your stone through the smoke. (white sage, cedar, juniper, palo santo, sweet-grass and sandalwood are all commonly used smudging herbs)


Moonlight is another way of clearing your gemstones. Simply place outside from the Full to the New Moon. Waning Moons are good times to clear crystals, to dispel old energies, but any time works. The amount of time used varies with the sensitivity of the healer and the amount of material from which the stone needs cleansing.


Burying your crystal in a cupful of dried herbs will also clear it. Suggested herbs for this are rose petals, sage, frankincense, myrrh, and sandalwood. This is a gentle way to clear crystals, and a pleasant way, but it does take longer than sea salt.


Crystals may also be buried into the Earth. This is especially helpful when you feel deep cleansing is needed. Outdoors, simply dig a hole the size of your crystal into the Earth, place your crystal again point down, and cover with soil. The amount of time needed is personal choice.


The Sacred Breath- Some like to use this method of ‘blowing away’ any negativity from the stone, simply hold the stone in your hand and blow on it, while blowing ask your higher self to cleanse the crystal.


If you are a Reiki practitioner, you can also “Reiki” your stones and crystals, simply by holding them in your hands and setting the intention for your crystals to be cleansed.


Hold the stone under running water or in a stream to be purified (points are to face down the drain or down stream to wash the negative energy away), you may also soak in a solution of sea salt and distilled water. Visualize the crystal as sparkly, tingly, cold, and belonging to the healer.

* It is not recommended to utilize water or sea salt when cleansing certain gems,stones & crystals. Never use Warm or Hot water, this may fracture or break your crystals.
Overall, the July 2019 solar eclipse new moon is a powerful time to manifest your dreams,enhanced by crystals to give you a boost from the universe.
There are plenty of different methods of cleansing crystals and after some time you will find what works best. You may find that some methods work better than others, however there is no wrong way to cleanse a stone.
It is important to be your own guide and see what methods work well for you and with your crystals. You may even find you have a favorite method to cleanse your crystals or over time develop a regular cleansing ritual or routine. This will ensure your crystals are regularly cleansed and not weighed down by heavy or negative energies.

Happy New Moon!

Leigh ^j^

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FengShuiTricks said…
Such a informative article on the crystal. really helpful in order to mark the authenticity of the stone. Recently i found another amazing blog on how to cleanse amethyst . You can also have a look.

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