New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer: July 13th 2018

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer: July 13th New Moon in Cancer Eclipse “Emotional Shelter”................... How will this eclipse on Friday the 13th affect us?..............Read all about it below >> 

July is a bit of an exciting month for everyone as there is a Solar Eclipse in Cancer, this is all about well and truly wiping the slate clean and starting all over again. This month, the New Moon is in the sign of Cancer – so all is quadruple!

The new moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new cycle. A new moon influence lasts for four weeks but a solar eclipse usually lasts about six months.

This New Moon means all possibilities are on the table and you can rightly put yourself in the forefront of new plans for the future. It is time to question your old habits and behaviours as you search for new and inventive ways to make progress.

This is the ideal time to make a fresh start, so write your new goals down on a sheet of paper. The best time for making a new start is from the solar eclipse to the July 27 Lunar Eclipse.

This Solar Eclipse signals the right time to transform something in your life holding you back from happiness and success. A fortunate Grand Trine configuration allows you to apply this transformation to your love life, finances or creative work. Hard work and determination will unleash the potential and opportunity held within the grand trine to help avert a personal crisis.

It’s a massive shout-out from the universe that now is the time reinvent yourself – banish fears and success will come. This can be one of the most dynamic times of your life, no matter what your age.

This Friday will kick off this summer's eclipse season with a partial Solar Eclipse. Even though we won't be able to see this one, it will still offer a sense of new beginnings. This solar eclipse will give you one more shot at hitting that reset button.

It's believed that, when the moon is "super," its spiritual effects grow stronger. For example, a full moon that also happens to be a supermoon may feel more energizing or motivational than usual. In the case of the New Moon, a Supermoon can make its already relaxing, recharging effects feel especially restorative. For some, it could feel like the start of a new chapter.

Long associated with fresh starts and opportunities for change, this lunar phase is considered a spiritual reset button. Given the intense influence of a new supermoon, that sense of newness and potential may prompt you to make plans for major moves in your life.

If you've been meaning to make changes in your love life or career, you should follow those instincts, but since this month's new moon will take place in Cancer, you may feel more compelled to focus on your living situation instead.

This sign is closely linked to family and matters of the home, so don't be surprised if your thoughts take a turn for the domestic on Friday night.

Meaning of a Solar Eclipse:

An eclipse magnifies energy, it’s like a Supermoon on caffeine. It forces us to wake up, go down a path and take action at some point. An eclipse shakes us turbulently to the core in order to effect change. Earthquakes sometimes occur around eclipse times.

Cancerians will feel lunar eclipses intensely as they are ruled by the Moon whereas Leos will feel solar eclipses intensely because they are ruled by the Sun. In 2018 the only solar eclipse in Leo occurs on the 11th August.

All eclipses whether lunar or solar, partial or total, are about change and transformation. They force us to confront our own shadow nature or dark side.

Eclipses are a sign from the Universe that change will soon visit us on the Earth plane. That change doesn’t always occur on the exact date of the eclipse, sometimes it is weeks, months or even more than a year before or after the eclipse that something major happens.

The power of solar eclipses normally lasts longer than lunar eclipses but that doesn’t mean that lunar eclipses are less potent. In fact, they may be more potent over a shorter period. An eclipse can be connected to the original source of events, but sometimes it takes the power of another planet passing over the same spot for the effect to be fully realised.

Solar eclipses are also more related to external events. Something happens in the outside world then we think, plan, react or better still respond, taking some kind of action. We expand our awareness of hidden dark things and bring them to the light of conscious awareness. This is a gift, even though events at the time may suggest otherwise.

Think of your home as your temple month and refresh the space. If you only do an energetic space clearing in there once a year, do it when the New Moon in Cancer takes place. Refreshing the space will include opening the windows to let fresh air in on a regular basis, no matter what the season.

 What does the eclipse mean for you?

Your life can change as much as you want it to in the coming six months thanks to the eclipse in your sign this week. The New Moon eclipse coming up in your sign is a loud message to you that the time is ripe for you to take a gigantic leap into a new future.

Have a look around you. Have things gone a bit sideways? Have you lost on the swings what you gained on the roundabouts? If so, don’t panic. This eclipse is your chance to take any part of your life which you know is not working and to sort it out.

You’ll know what and how. Special caution: you need to let go of anyone or anything you know is dragging you down. Move on now and you’ll be able to do it on your terms...

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Have a Wonderful Day!

Leigh ^j^


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