
Showing posts from October 26, 2018

DAILY ORACLE CARD: Friday 26th October 2018

Friday Card ~* PROTECTION *~ A Journey Marker... This marker reminds you to protect yourself and to be wary of hidden agendas. Are you being too open? Perhaps you don’t realize it, but you may find that you’re a target for others, especially if you’re shining brightly. Yet this isn’t a time to dim your light; rather, remember that a spiritual warrior or priestess would always learn how to camouflage him- or herself, and be armed against potential attack. This is about the right use of power rather than the use of force—the former coming from a place of highly calibrated integrity; the later from a lower base of destructive energy. Remember to walk the higher ground but wear a cloak for protection. Ask your guides and angels to protect you, for they will always come if they’re asked. And be moderate in all you do—this isn’t the place to take risks. This marker also lets you know that the subject of your enquiry cannot in any way hurt you as long as you ask for protection. The Divi