
Showing posts from January 6, 2018

Werkly Horoscopes: 6th Jan - 12th Jan

WEEKLY HOROSCOPES! 6th Jan ➤ 12th Jan TIP FOR THE WEEK: A fresh start is well and truly written in the stars this week, emphasizing the importance of mind over matter.....To find out what the week has in store for you read below >> Aries (March 20–April 19) Mars is your planetary avatar. You begin the year in the sign of Scorpio which lends much power and authority to your actions. You will probably be involved in a project requiring the use of your large muscles or supporting one or more people who can’t fight for themselves. Between Jan. and Oct. you will enjoy gifts and benefits from those who appreciate your spirit. Saturn in your 10th solar house brings a change in your work or profession. You may decide to begin a new direction in your life or will be taking on significantly more responsibility in the current work. Beginning in late May your financial income picture may begin to fluctuate. At times it will be higher than normal and at other times lower. Mars begins