Werkly Horoscopes: 6th Jan - 12th Jan

WEEKLY HOROSCOPES! 6th Jan ➤ 12th Jan
TIP FOR THE WEEK: A fresh start is well and truly written in the stars this week, emphasizing the importance of mind over matter.....To find out what the week has in store for you read below >>

Aries (March 20–April 19)

Mars is your planetary avatar. You begin the year in the sign of Scorpio which lends much power and authority to your actions. You will probably be involved in a project requiring the use of your large muscles or supporting one or more people who can’t fight for themselves. Between Jan. and Oct. you will enjoy gifts and benefits from those who appreciate your spirit. Saturn in your 10th solar house brings a change in your work or profession. You may decide to begin a new direction in your life or will be taking on significantly more responsibility in the current work. Beginning in late May your financial income picture may begin to fluctuate. At times it will be higher than normal and at other times lower. Mars begins retrograde motion in June and will not complete its cycle until October. From June to the end of the year it is better to avoid taking aggressive moves in any direction.​
​​Taurus (April 20 -- May 20)

​​This year the planet Uranus enters your sign and will be there for a seven year stint. Are you restless? Wishing for a break from the routine of your life? You may or may not recognize it, but Uranus will help you break free of fears that have chained you to the old grind. Saturn moves into your 9th sector, suggesting that you will begin some type of educational program. Another option that Saturn has is to steer you into travel for career purposes. Jupiter has been in your seventh sector since Oct., 2017. It remains through Oct. 2018 and shines a bright light on your partnership(s). It can increase clientèle and friendships as well. Venus, your planetary ruler, turns retrograde in Oct., which suggests you may need to back off from one or more relationships while you evaluate whether they are beneficial. You may be drawn back to a previous relationship between Oct. 2018 and Jan. 2019.

Gemini (May 20–June 20)

Disclosure of old family secrets that alter your perception of self may occur during the next 7.5 years. You develop much greater awareness of the unconscious and your interest in alternate forms of healing intensifies. Episodes of intuition or psychic awareness are likely to increase. Saturn in Capricorn requires you to focus on the consequences, responsibilities and liabilities of sharing resources with others. There may be work to do related to managing your own finances or those of someone else. You likely will feel the need to clarify and legalize matters concerning your estate. You have two plus years to accomplish this, so don’t panic about time. Jupiter transits your 6th sector through Oct. If you need healing, now is the time to pursue solutions. Your routines and habit patterns can be directed toward the best outcomes here. Mercury retrograding in your 7th house of partnerships in Nov. and Dec. will be a time to think carefully about your contributions to the relationship and correct habitual responses that have created challenges.

​​Cancer (June 21–July 21) )

The next two years will draw attention to your partnership(s). This is a time to rethink your significant other and re-decide to remain together. For some, you will feel drawn to enter a stronger, contractual relationship beyond that which you now have. There may be signs of dissolving commitments for those already married. What you need is a new or improved purpose together that may reignite the original spark. The eclipse seasons are focused in Feb. and August. For Cancerians, these eclipses point toward your financial houses. There will be significant impact relating to decisions and changes that involve your income and other resources. (“Other” refers to partner’s money, invested money, insurance payments, gifts and inheritance.) You likely will be organizing new financial plans around changes in partnership status. There is a single new moon eclipse that occurs on July 12 in your sign. It suggests a plan, just barely taking form, that will give you a long term sense of security.

​Leo (July 22–August 21)

January is a time in which you regroup after the holidays and put your routines back in order. This is an annual ritual for you. On Jan. 31, there is a full moon eclipse in your sign which will bring attention to your relationships. It will be a “supermoon,” called so to recognize its close proximity to the earth. This emphasizes its meaning. You could fall into a battle of wills there, but the ideal solution is to work toward a meeting of minds through looking openly at the facts and arriving jointly at a peaceful negotiation. Throughout the year Saturn will travel through your sixth sector of health and habit patterns. This began in Dec of 2017 and continues for two more years. The requirement is to upgrade your personal healthcare, lest it wreak havoc on your body. Saturn is a stern taskmaster and does not allow backsliding. Your life direction needs to shift toward freedom from whatever binds you to your past. Think about that.

Virgo (August 22–September 22)

Over the next seven years you will be experiencing a rapidly expanding world view. This may come about through travel, higher education or attraction to people who hail from an altogether different environment. You may feel the need to explore alternative religions and/or philosophies. This is the time for intentional application of your creative energy and to take steps toward manifesting your dreams of fulfilment. Something deep inside you, no more than two years in your consciousness, wants to be expressed. It requires devotion on your part. Circumstances may pressure you to set another project aside so you can focus on the new one. Don't anticipate grandiose results on this cycle, but there should be reasonably positive responses from the world if you are on the right track. Jupiter in the third sector brings in positive energy related to siblings, neighbours, travelling companions, educational experiences and your vehicle.

​​​Libra (Sep. 23–Oct. 22)

Your income is sustained most of this year via investments, increase in partner’s income, insurance or money that comes from resources such as social security, annuities, and sale of property. Meanwhile Saturn will ground you by bringing your attention to mundane property matters and the need to focus on your health and well-being. It is important to strengthen your core muscles. Ageing family members may require your attention. Jupiter entered your second sector of resources and self-worth in Oct. 2017. It will remain there through Oct. 2018, shining a spotlight on taxes, inheritance, investments, insurance pay-offs, and partner’s income. You will particularly benefit if you have remained thrifty through the recent decades. Paying off debt will give you more disposable income this year. Venus, ancient goddess of love, is your avatar. She will be retrograding in the last quarter. During that time you may rethink your investments. It will not be favourable to make significant investments in the last quarter. Research, but don’t take the plunge until 2019.

​Scorpio (October 23–November 21)

As you begin 2018, you have Mars and Jupiter in your sign. This signifies a time of new beginnings, elevated hope, and renewed interest in your spiritual life which began in Nov. 2017. Saturn’s entry to your solar third house puts emphasis on writing, communications, siblings, room-mates, vehicles, and short distance travels. You will be giving these matters more serious attention through this year and 2019. You may already be aware of changes occurring in your primary relationship(s). Scorpio is often anxious about alterations and will hold onto the known for too long. In May this becomes too big to ignore and it represents a fresh wave of the future. The ongoing status quo has become stale. If you have avoided it, then change may come suddenly. When the dust has settled, you will have a truer perspective on life. Mars, one of your ruling planets, turns retrograde in June and its energy remains so through Oct. It is possible that after a big change in May, you may want to pause while you reassess and absorb it. Venus, the goddess of love, retrogrades in your sign during the last quarter. You may back off from your present relationship and re-engage with someone from the past for a few weeks.

​​​Sagittarius (November 22–December 20)

Take especially good care of your health in all areas. There is likely to be a need for you to step up your daily health care routines. This may have recently come to your attention. At the same time there could be a shift in your job tasks and/or location. By November you may feel better than you have in a long time after adopting better health patterns. Mars, the warrior god, enters your sign toward the end of Jan. and will be with you for five weeks. This will enhance your body energetically and assist you to take on big physical initiatives. Your income may be less plentiful this year. Usually this aspect represents a reduction in disposable income after making an investment, such as buying a house. It is likely to be a conscious decision that will affect you for a couple of years, until you get stabilized. Mercury, planet of communications, enters your sign by Nov. 1 and remains throughout the rest of the year while it makes a retrograde loop. You likely will second guess decisions throughout this period. Wait until 2019 to complete plans when you will have better information about the circumstances.

​​​Capricorn (December 21–January 19)

This year and the next will mark a period of major change in your life. In time you will see it as a significant turning point for the better, although in the short perspective it may appear to be merely challenging. You are just beginning a redesign of your identity and that cannot happen overnight, so don’t be impatient with yourself. Follow the open pathways. Some doors may shut, but it is all in the purpose of the cosmic direction. Just put one foot in front of the other and take the next best step. Think of yourself as The Goat, climbing a mountain. Once in awhile you encounter a block in the road, so a detour may be necessary. The most trying period will be in mid-March through mid-May, when will seem as though you are pushing a boulder uphill. After that trial, everything else will seem easier by comparison. Positive experiences and support will come through friendships and your community associates. By the end of this year you will have a clearer grasp of the identity you are to develop. Those with skeletons in the closets will be relieved as they are exposed to daylight and can be handled openly.

​Aquarius (January 20–February 17)
You are beginning a two year hiatus. It could be compared to a sabbatical from human political life. If you are employed, you are likely to be moved to a position of less power. The interesting twist here is that you honestly are relieved, even though your ego may be bruised. You’ll feel better if you recognize that changes which move you to the background are inevitable now. They are mainly due to circumstances around you. Don’t try to regain the control of the old days. You will waste energy and be frustrated. Let go with grace and move forward with work in the background. Mars begins a retrograde sequence in your sign from late May through Sep. During that period it is best for you to make no assertive or aggressive moves. If you need to protect yourself, do so, but don’t “start” anything. Uranus, planet of change, is moving into your fourth sector of home, hearth, and family. It is possible that you will need to refurbish your home or even change your residence. This could be reflected by shifts and unexpected moves in your family of origin.

​Pisces (February 18–March 19)

Your income will be altered this year by the summer. Your income will become more stable. Your mind opens to a new level of understanding. You may experience increased intuition and “psychic downloads” of information that you could not otherwise know. Your interest in your spiritual life became more prominent in the fall of 2017 and continues into the fall of 2018. Travel, whether that be in person or on the internet, is emphasized throughout this year. In May there will be changes and increased emphasis in the areas of siblings, neighbours, room-mates, and possibly your vehicle. Mars, the original god of war, passes through your sign between Nov. 16 and the end of this year. During this period it is likely that you will be on the battlefront in more than one area. This is uncharacteristic of the Fish and people in your life probably will not adapt well to your change in stance, however temporary that might be. It is likely that your ire will be provoked just as Mars arrives in Pisces on Nov. 16. Mars also represents major physical work projects. Use caution with your body mechanics.

Wishing Everyone a Fantastic Week filled with Abundant Blessings, Joy, Laughter & Love...Leigh Xo

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