New Year Release Prayer: Start 2020 Fresh!

šŸŽ‰  Happy New Year Everyone!

One way to Ensure your New Year is as Prosperous as possible is to Release all the Negative from 2019 so you Don't take that Energy into 2020.

This Release Prayer is simple but powerful and will help you to focus on what you want to create in the New Year.

Find a quiet, peaceful place where you will not be disturbed for a few moments.
You may prepare your space by energy cleansing, lighting incense or candles, playing some soothing music or gather your manifesting crystals, although it is not essential that you do.

* Make your self comfortable.

* Close your eyes & take a moment to centre yourself.

* Breathe in and recite the prayer in your mind or out loud.

"I release all things from the past year that has caused any negative attachment.  I prepare and welcome new lessons and new adventures.  I welcome new opportunities to grow emotionally, mentally and spiritually." 

*  When finished, breathe out and release into the universe.

*  Repeat until you feel lighter.

Optional: You can repeat this prayer at the start of each week or each month or even apply it to any situation such as a relationship ending, loosing your job or anything you want to move on from.

šŸŽŠ Wishing You & Your Loved Ones a Happy, Healthy & Prosperous 2020! May the New Year bless you with Joy,Wealth and Happiness!

Brightest Blessings,  

Leigh ^j^

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