ENERGY CLEANSING: 4 Simple Ways To Spring Clean Your Energy Body!

Feeling Heavy, Sluggish, Tired or Out of Sorts? If so, it may be caused by your Energy Body being clogged! 

Spring cleaning is a great ritual to clear clutter, dust and grime from your home.

But cleansing the energy in your body can be just as satisfying, with some really transformational benefits.

There is energy in everything, from the flowers blooming outside your window to the beating heart within your chest. This is called Ki or your energy body.

You may not realize it, but your energy body can pick up the energy of everyone you encounter throughout the day.

This energy can be heavy to hold and can create an imbalance in the flow of Ki throughout the body.

What better time to cleanse your Energy Body than on a Monday? Using 1 or all 4 of these Energy Body cleansing tips is a wonderful way to head into a new week feeling clear, fresh and light!

1) Crystal Meditation:

Crystals have been cherished and used for thousands of years across almost all cultures and highly regarded and protected for their unique vibrational healing qualities.

Some crystals that are commonly used for cleansing and protecting are aquamarine, tourmaline, fire agate, black kyanite, quartz, and labradorite.

When a crystal is on or near your physical body, your energy body benefits greatly and it’s just like hitting a “reset” button. This will clear any negative energy and form a protective shield.

Crystals can also be used to open each chakra, which is vital for cleansing your energy and releasing that which does not serve you.

Get Cleansing: 

Using the crystal(s) of your choice (or specific crystals for each chakra), sit comfortably on the floor or in a chair with your spine straight.

Take three deep breaths and set the intention of releasing what does not serve you. Focus on dissolving any blockages in each chakra, from the 1st to the 7th.

Hold the crystal in an open palm resting on your thigh and envision each chakra growing warm until you can feel a tingle or physical heat in each energy centre.

When finished imagine a clean line of energy from your tail-bone to the top of your head, radiating brightly.

2) Burning Sage or Incense:

Smoke has long been used as a powerful form of cleansing the aura and connecting humans to the spiritual realm.

After a long and cold winter, this is a great way to energetically cleanse your aura (and home) and allow bad or unwanted energies to float away.

Traditionally, dried white sage and palo santo are considered to be the most powerful, but you can also burn natural incense, like dabo, for a pleasant and healing herbal aroma.

Get Cleansing:

Whether you use sage or incense, the ritual can be performed in the same way. Light the incense or get a good burn going on your sage bundle (be sure to hold a bowl under the bundle to catch ash and embers) and wave the smoke towards your body, breathing in the healing aroma.

Say aloud, “I release any negative energy and create space for the light to shine through.” Allow the healing scent to envelop your body.

3) Essential Oil Bath:

Soaking in warm water is incredibly relaxing and releasing.

When essential oils are added to the water, the healing power is amplified.

Aromatherapy has been used since the dawn of time to heal, cleanse and revitalize mind, body and spirit.

Scent is the sense that is directly linked to the brain, so inhaling pleasing scents that also have healing properties can literally rewire the brain.

On an energetic level, this helps to release negative thought patterns and mental blocks that can keep you from reaching your full potential.

Use an oil with bergamot, orange, tangerine, or peppermint, like Bird of the Soul essential oil, to uplift your energy and invite positivity into your life.

Get Cleansing:

Run a bath of warm to hot water and drop about 10 drops of the oil of your choice into the water. This allows the oil to be absorbed by your body and the heat of the water lifts the scent to completely fill the space. You can put on some soothing music, light candles or just lay back and relax.

4) Enjoy Time in Nature:

Nature is the best form of free therapy around and one of the most powerful ways to rejuvenate your energy body.

The negative ions emitted by nature literally grab negative energy and carry it away, leaving you centred and grounded.

The hustle and bustle of cities with traffic, people and noises can deplete your energy and take on some unwanted energetic stowaways.

Get Cleansing:

Gardening (even on your balcony or small backyard), walking through a park, sitting by a river, sitting in the sun, hiking a mountain or laying in the grass are all ways to immerse yourself in the healing power of nature.

“Grounding” (physical connection of the body to the earth) is a wonderful way to absorb the earth’s energy for a total body cleanse. Walk barefoot, hug a tree, let the winds play with your hair. Envision being one with nature.

All of these sacred rituals can be performed every day, but be sure to practice at least once a week. Developing a regular practice of energy cleansing will rid you of negative energy and deeply strengthen your connection to the spiritual world and to yourself.

Give these practices a shot and let us know how you feel! .........Happy Cleansing! 

Have a Wonderful Week!

Leigh ^j^

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