WEEKLY HOROSCOPES: 15th Dec > 21st Dec 2018

What Insights does the STARS reveal about your upcoming Week? Check out your Star Sign below to find out!

Weekly Horoscopes are guides for the coming week to help you navigate and make the best use of current and upcoming energies. Highlight how they might affect us all as well as highlights of key influences for each of the zodiac sign.

These weekly forecasts come from the planetary influences that govern the energy of each day. Each day of the week is governed by a planet or a luminary (moon and sun), and so each day has a special energy and feel to it according to its overruling planet.


This week calls us to break from living out the tired old dramas. Each of us can choose a better option for whatever is happening personally.  

We do not have to be in replay mode forever. If we refuse to play the same old tapes, the mind will come up with a better solution.


♈  Aries (March 20–April 19)

Your charisma is powerful and you can be at your most persuasive now.  Manipulation in order to get what you want is not really necessary. Step aside from such temptations.  Activities requiring physical energy are accented and favored now.  You have a need to get out and about to refresh your spirit.

♉​​  Taurus (April 20 -- May 20)

Social and romantic life is favored this week.  You may be mixing business and pleasure in a pleasant combination. This is a good time to discuss issues within a relationship because you are steady of mind and likely to be realistic, in relation to yourself as well as others.   

​♊  Gemini (May 20–June 20)

For the next four weeks you will want to experiment with and try on multiple points of view.  You probably will be taking "polls" among friends and associates. Your capacity for objective thinking grows during this period and it is generally a good time to discuss relationship issues with partners and close associates.

♋​​  Cancer (June 21–July 21)

Your energy may be lagging this week.  You want to do more than you can actually accomplish.  Don’t let this situation give you the “guilt's”. You want to help, but sometimes the oomph just isn’t there.  Take care of yourself.

♌​  Leo (July 22–August 21)

You may be prone to overspend on home decorations for the season.  The Lion always enjoys parties and wants everyone else to enjoy them too. Just be sure to leave yourself time to rest between one thing and the next.  A tired Lion does not have much fun.

♍  Virgo (August 22–September 22)

Your focus shifts to matters of home, hearth, and family.  Things of the past may float up in your mind for reflection.  If this occurs, ask yourself what you learned from the experience.  It probably would help you now.  Family concerns may occupy your attention.  It is a good time to open important discussions with those closest to you.

​​​♎  Libra (Sep. 23–Oct. 22)

You have spent more than normally on luxuries in the last couple of months.  Now you are beginning to tighten your belt and will make more practical choices. That will ease the woes in your bank account and help you feel more in control as you move toward 2019.

♏​ Scorpio (October 23–November 21)

This week has favorable aspects in various areas.  Take advantage of the pleasant times you will have with your children. You may have a desire to improve your appearance by trying a fresh haircut, new glasses, or an eye-catching change in clothing.


♐  ​​​Sagittarius (November 22–December 20)

Mercury enters your sign on December 12, 2018, and will be with you until Jan. 4, 2019.  Don’t allow anyone to press you into a decision you aren’t ready to make. However, if you have been cogitating for a long time, then this might be the moment you decide to plunge forward.

♑  ​​​Capricorn (December 21–January 19)

Aspects in the background have caused you to feel fatigued since around Thanksgiving. This year do not assume that you must manage everything in order to ensure that it gets done.  Rest often.  Enjoy the lights and the music.  Don’t work yourself to the bone.

♒​  Aquarius (January 20–February 17)

You are carrying an extra load this season, so be kind to yourself whenever you start to work too hard. You have friends around who will volunteer to help you accomplish what is necessary.  Avoid the dark inner voice that thinks you have to do everything.​

​♓  Pisces (February 18–March 19)

This is a time that may, in many ways, feel unreal to you.  You are wide open to the unconscious and if this is uncharted territory, it might set you up for illusions and confusion. Stay in touch with a trusted associate who can help you as you travel through the maze.

Have a Wonderful Day!

Leigh ^j^

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