July 13th - 20th Horoscopes! What effect will the Full Moon, Partial Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn have on your Horoscopes?

A Full Moon Eclipse falls in this weeks horoscopes! You may not know that the moon and eclipses have an affect upon us and to the energies and events around us, both these events affect our horoscopes as well. Read your zodiac sign below to find out how these events will affect you this week.

July 3rd brought us the New Moon, Total Solar Eclipse in Cancer. Starting the month off with big energies, changes and transformations, these energies are set to continue with the Full Moon, Partial Lunar Eclipse on July 17th.
This powerful Celestial Event that will urge us all to transform our lives in one way or another, weather we feel ready or not!...Change is on the horizon, and maybe that's a good thing.

"If solar eclipses are all about new beginnings, lunar eclipses signal closure and culmination"

On July 17th, the Full Moon in Capricorn moves into Earth’s shadow, creating a partial lunar eclipse. The areas of your chart ruled by Capricorn, the ultra-professional taskmaster of the zodiac, are most impacted. This eclipse is more like a checkpoint—it prompts you to release what no longer serves you and let it go.

Check out below how the July 17th Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn will affect you, based on your zodiac sign!

♈ Aries (March 21 - April 19)

All this transformation energy is gently (or not so gently, depending on how things go) nudging toward a career path that actually works for you. "A work situation is now in flux, which will help you move towards the career of your dreams," explains Stardust. Keep your eyes and ears open to possibilities. You love forward momentum. But sometimes, you have to look back to move forward, and these eclipses want you to slow down and reconnect with your roots. Take a step back and realign yourself with your past interests and passions—ironically, it can really help you move forward in your career and find what you actually want to do with your life!

♉ Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

The full moon eclipse energy is intense, so retreating inward and getting in touch with your spiritual side might bring you a bit of comfort. "Committing to a higher minded activity will allow you to heal wounds and your heart," Take a good look around, because with these eclipses, your community life is primed for a reboot. Release dreams of lavish things you can’t afford right now (as well as any envy of those who can) and focus on where you’re at right now. Celebrate the home you’ve created for yourself, and do not take it for granted.

♊ Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Get that Money! These eclipses energize your finances, so it’s time to step into your own moneymaking power. "It never feels good to have the weight of being indebted to someone looming over you" so commit to taking care of business now, enjoy being responsible will help quell some of your financial anxieties. Be on the lookout for a clever, innovative form of income, "Consolidating debt and making a new conscious decision to repay debts will benefit you during this time," Dump financial entanglements that don’t align with your ultra-high standards, even if that means finally leaving that job you sorta-kinda-really hate for something new. It’s time.

♋ Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

The Solar Eclipse season helps you to reset your life and direct you to the infinite possibilities of the new. Stay grateful for the highs and lows of your past, and hold optimism for the future. Full moon eclipse season lights up your financial and personal securities sector. Be firm about the personal beliefs that keep your inner joy secure! There have been some lingering feelings and loose ends in your relationships lately, Cancer, and it's weighing on you. Now's the time to take steps toward closing those doors for good. Along with that, bid farewell to any relationships or friendships who don’t affirm and support you or who make you feel bad for choices you make for yourself.  "Trust the process".

♌ Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)

During this eclipse, you will feel the call to delve deeper into your spiritual journey, this eclipse says go for it you will be supported. You may be feeling curious to learn and eager to talk about what you’re discovering. Approach communication with the understanding that dialogue helps your dreams come true. You've got the fire of your ruling planet fueling you to work toward your goals nonstop, but this full moon is asking you, if not directing you to take the time to chill out and relax to relieve anxieties. You'll come out of this eclipse series refreshed and ready to tackle the nitty, gritty of everyday. Leo Season begins on Sunday, and you’ll be showing the zodiac why you were crowned reigning royal. May all your wishes come true!

♍ Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)

When everything in life feels out of control, it's easy for you to turn toward the little details and obsess and retreat into your alone time, but right now, there are people in your life who really want to get to know you better and pick your brain a bit. The world needs your wisdom, so ditch those headphones and challenge yourself to speak up more. Some really great new friends could come out of it! This week's eclipse energy inspires you to indulge your senses, and the universe supports this plan. Life is meant not only to be worked on, but to be thoughtfully enjoyed too. Enjoy the pleasures of life, take some time out for some self-care as well, this will bring the surrender and closure you need.

♎ Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)

The moon shines for you, Libra! The diamond in the night brings your qualities of diplomacy, harmony, relationships, and love to the forefront. Demonstrate what you know flawlessly. After working hard this month, Leo Season helps your friendship and socializing sectors blossom—party hard, because you’ve earned it! The simultaneous craving to be around people and deep need to do some internal processing is real, so get the best of both worlds by only allowing your inner circle near your energy under this moon. Your justice-oriented mind is inspiring and the stars want you to funnel that energy into new career opportunities. Whether it’s carving out a cool role for yourself at your current job or moving to a more fulfilling field, this time is all about realizing your max potential.

♏ Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)

Schedule self-care, Scorpio. This full moon eclipse inspires you to rest and release. You give from your emotional depths very powerfully, so use this week to recharge! As is, you swim in the depths of your own mind a LOT. These eclipses want you to take risks and travel to even further reaches. Take that philosophy class, book a trip somewhere brand new, or reexamine your biggest values as a whole. July is all about leaving your comfort zone in every possible way. Eclipse season see's you working your stinger off  to achieve what you desire, and impressing the universe with your ethic along the way. An early congratulations to you! Sometimes silence has the power of 1,000 stingers full of poison. Instead of lashing out at the energy vampires looming near, kill them with dead air. You’re using your silence to express your powerful nature, [putting] those who aim to hurt you in their place, create a safe, energetic shield around yourself.

♐ Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)

Even if Wednesday’s a “school night,” Sagittarius, paint the town red anyway. A lively full moon eclipse inspires socializing, laughing, and loving with your closest friends, so make the midweek like your weekend. Then, you’re flying off to far corners of your mind and/or world. full moon eclipse season sends you jet-setting off to new experiences. Feeling a bit shaken up? The eclipses stir the bottom of your sea, where some strange and magical treasures can be found as well as those problems you can’t shake. Ditch your DIY attitude this month and accept some help, especially around financial matters. Your friends and family literally always want to have your back—let them! This full moon eclipse is affecting finances, and in your case, it should actually send some long-forgotten boons in your direction. A payback on a loan is coming your way, which will allow you to go on a shopping spree, But pump the breaks until the end of the month when Mercury goes direct and bigger purchases will be easier.

♑ Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)

It’s time to ease up! You’ve been working your ass off for, well, literally the entire time you’ve been alive a while now, and it’s time to slow down and enjoy the other important things in life. Capricorn, even though you’re happiest while working, and this week inspires you to focus, contribute, and climb even higher mountains of personal success! Eclipse season brings not high mountaintops but powerful depths with intimacy, sexuality, and bonding all month long. Dust yourself off and trust the universal process — it has your best interest at heart. You’re taking your power back, now you are asserting your will and taking charge of what you surround yourself with! Vow to put your own interests first and start kicking ass/taking names when you are threatened.

♒ Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)

Feeling a bit nostalgic, lately? It's not in your usual repertoire of emotions, sure, but go with the flow of what this full moon eclipse is planting within you. "You’re in the mood to reflect on the past now, which will allow you to elevate your spirits later on, Pondering the past can sometimes help you make informed decisions about the future. Don’t forget your body and soul, because it’s time to revolutionize your self-care. You’ve got to show up for yourself before you can help others. Ditch any habit that’s not adding to your wellness and embrace yoga, meditation, or that new fitness class you’ve been itching to try. Or just take more naps, honestly. Whatever gets you feeling more rested! Can they handle the Truth, Aquarius? We know you can, so deliver it to others. Whether or not they take it well isn't your concern—all that matters is that you speak honestly, compassionately, and with a willingness to listen. It takes two! Full moon eclipse season begins your most romantic and relational month, so get ready to romance!

♓ Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)

July is your time to shine! If you’re artistically inclined, start a new creative project and don’t be afraid to be a little “me me me” about it all. Stop hiding out in the shadows and let your inner queen shine. All eyes are on you this month—in a good way! There's been some difficult overlap between your love life and your social circle, and it's probably making you extra sensitive under the eclipse."Your friends may create issues with your crush," warns Stardust. "Try to keep boundaries between both patients to avoid conflicts." A little compartmentalization for the sake of your sanity never hurts. Wednesday’s full moon eclipse expands the desire to be understood and experienced intimately. Allow your sexuality to be a place where you’re safe and understood. If not, point the partner to the door, and push them out. Ready to work? Full moon eclipse season puts work, health, exercise, and responsibility at the top of your to-do list.

Have a Wonderful Day!

Leigh ^j^

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