WEEKLY HOROSCOPES! 3rd Mar > 9th Mar



WEEKLY HOROSCOPES! 3rd Mar > 9th Mar...


TIP FOR THE WEEK: This week starts a new cycle, bringing in calm, grounding energy and will provide a nice, nurturing energy for all the zodiac signs.

Aries (March 20–April 19)

Watch your temper and count to 10 early in the week. Finish projects that are on your table. In one week there will be new things to come, represented by the planets Venus and Mercury. Venus represents friends and lovers, and things which offer beauty and comfort. Mercury represents information, interesting things to read and discuss.

​​Taurus (April 20 -- May 20)

​​This is a week to focus on friends and group associates. You may be given a starring role in the centre of the action. It definitely will not be lonely. A wound, whether emotional or physical, is due for healing now. Be alert for spiritual messages that may come through any source.

Gemini (May 20–June 20)

You have a desire to reach outward to others. You want to share ideas and express yourself in a larger framework. Talking to yourself is not satisfactory. Circumstances on the romantic front are favourable with one who shares intellectual interests. Activities involving teaching/learning are favoured, along with good aspects for travel.

​​Cancer (June 21–July 21)

The planets Mercury and Venus, along with the Sun remain at crosswise purposes to your conscious awareness. Whenever you encounter a blockage in your inner or outer worlds, go back to an intention for peace. Struggle will not make things better at this time. Give it another couple of weeks to sort itself out.

​Leo (July 22–August 21)

You or someone else may want you to feel guilty because you are unable to make things better. Recognize that you are not the magician you would like to be and let go of the neurotic guilt. Whatever happens now, you are highly prone to think dark thoughts about yourself. This is unreal. Let it go.

Virgo (August 22–September 22)

This is a fine time for a vacation with someone special. If you cannot go physically to some wonderfully exotic place, then go out to dinner at a romantic restaurant. Your most important relationships and partnerships are flowing smoothly over this time. You and partner may be lost together in a wonderful fantasy world. Enjoy!

​​​Libra (Sep. 23–Oct. 22)

This is a great week for those entrepreneurs who work on commission. Clientele will flock to your door. You will really enjoy them even as you parlay resources to your income. Everyone wants to share thoughts with you because of your balanced wisdom. If you have physical issues, see an alternative healer for relief.

​Scorpio (October 23–November 21)

Financial stressors may play heavily on your mind this week. Don’t allow them to interfere with relationships. You might feel irritable but other people should not have to “pay” for your distress. Activities concerning children and/or lovers will be satisfying. Money has a way of working itself out eventually.

​​​Sagittarius (November 22–December 20)

​This period is especially rewarding concerning home, hearth, and family. You may be making desired alterations or improvements to your abode. You have a desire to invite people to your home and thus, you want to give it greater coziness. Activities involving writing or publishing are favoured.

​​​Capricorn (December 21–January 19)

Mercury, the Messenger, is at your side this week. It will support your thinking processes with a strong bit of intuitive awareness. This is a good time to allow dreams, visions, and even fantasies to inform your consciousness. The Pisces stellium is in your corner.

​Aquarius (January 20–February 17)

This is an unusually quiet week for you in the outside world. Things are just rolling along without your attention. Consider it a good breather. Enjoy books, TV, movies, or anything else that tickles your fancy. It isn’t often we get that kind of rest.

​Pisces (February 18–March 19)

A reality which cracks a prized illusion may pierce the veil and make itself conscious for you. It is disappointing, but let it teach you something. Most would become angry with themselves, which is not useful. Meditate, pray, play music, or enjoy the fiction you find in books or TV. Don’t escape to just forget. Allow some peace for the dust to settle.

Wishing Everyone a Fantastic Week filled with Abundant Blessings, Joy, Laughter & Love..
Leigh ^j^

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