
Happy Mother's Day!

This day is all about Mothers, A day to let them shine, a day to show appreciation, For all their love and time. A day to thank our Mothers, for all the things they do, For there's no one else, in the whole wide world, That is loved as much as you! Have a Wonderful Day filled with love, laughter & joy! Blessings Leigh 💖🌷 💖🌷💖 FOLLOW US         Subscribe To Receive New Posts Straight to your Inbox     Enter your email address:

New Year Release Prayer: Start 2020 Fresh!

🎉  Happy New Year Everyone! One way to Ensure your New Year is as Prosperous as possible is to Release all the Negative from 2019 so you Don't take that Energy into 2020. This Release Prayer is simple but powerful and will help you to focus on what you want to create in the New Year. Find a quiet, peaceful place where you will not be disturbed for a few moments. You may prepare your space by energy cleansing, lighting incense or candles, playing some soothing music or gather your manifesting crystals, although it is not essential that you do. * Make your self comfortable. * Close your eyes & take a moment to centre yourself. * Breathe in and recite the prayer in your mind or out loud. "I release all things from the past year that has caused any negative attachment.  I prepare and welcome new lessons and new adventures.  I welcome new opportunities to grow emotionally, mentally and spiritually."   *  When finished, breathe out and release into the universe.

A Simple Wicca New Year Ritual To Manifest the future you desire!

A New Year is almost upon us!....What can we do to prepare for 2020 and leave 2019 behind us? Here is a Wicca New Year ritual with which we give thanks for what we have and steer our lives towards what we want. Samhain is traditionally known as the Wicca New Year, so you can perform this ritual in the days or nights leading up to either Samhain or your calendar New Year’s Eve. Though calendars are a human creation and differ throughout the world, the cycle of life is a constant and New Year is a powerful time to say goodbye to what has been and set intentions for what is to come. What you need for the Wicca New Year ritual ⦁ Pen and paper ⦁ Incense (preferably sage or citronella) ⦁ A black candle ⦁ A chalice and water ⦁ A quartz crystal (or manifestation quartz if you have) of any size ⦁ A small ja r *   Sit or stand somewhere quiet and comfortable where you can create a holy space to perform this new year ritual, or by your altar if you have one. *   Focus on your

Creating A Vision Board To Start the New Year off with a Road Map..

A New Year is almost upon us!....What can we do to prepare for the New Year and leave the Old Year behind us? One way to prepare and achieve what you desire for 2020 is with a Vision Board. We are nearing that time of year where we become inundated with terms like goals, resolutions, self-transformation, etc. The start of a new year so often gives people hope and a bit of extra motivation to get moving or carry on improving areas of life that are personally important and meaningful. Too often, it seems that we start out of the gate full of energy and optimism and then after a few weeks, those big hopes, plans and dreams begin to fade away. Perhaps the new habits didn’t stick, or unforeseeable things got in the way. After a couple of months, our shiny plans and ideas can quickly become completely buried — only to be uncovered again at the start of the next year. What is a vision board?   For anyone unfamiliar with vision boards, it is basically a detailed plan of

5 Simple Tips To Release The Old Year and Welcome in The New Year!

The New Year is almost upon us!....What can we do to prepare for The New Year and leave the Old Year behind us? As the end of the year approaches, we find ourselves reflecting on everything that happened since the last one. How have we changed? Have we reached our goals? Are we where we want to be? They are heavy questions, but important to ask, because without checking in with ourselves, we can’t possibly reach our ultimate potential; our ultimate happiness. But time and time again, many of us find there is still so much we haven’t crossed off our to-do lists. Whether it be to find a job that makes us feel enriched, speak to ourselves and others from a place of kindness, or pick up an exercise regimen we enjoy every single day, we let life get in the way of what matters to us most. Habits die hard, time takes over, and sometimes we’re left feeling really low by December 31st. So we set resolutions. We promise ourselves we won’t do certain things, and that we wi

5 New Moon Rituals For Love, Money, Health, Abundance And Detox!

The power of the moon exerts control over ocean tides and women’s monthly cycles. All over the world across different cultures people have planned their lives according to the phases of the moon. By performing rituals or spells during certain lunar phases, you can harness this power. What Is A New Moon Ritual? Moon rituals are spells performed during specific lunar phases that harness the power of the moon to achieve your goal. The most powerful lunar phases are the new moon and the full moon. The new moon is a powerful time for new beginnings. Rituals and spells related to new romantic relationships, new job opportunities, new healthy habits and changing course toward any kind of new beginning will be especially efficacious during this time. Have some sort of talisman with you while you perform this ritual. It could be a crystal, a moon pendant, or a ring of any kind. Keep that object with you for the next 30 days and let it remind you of how good you feel when y

Dec 2019 New Moon Solar Eclipse: How Will The Last New Moon Of The Year Affect Your Zodiac Sign!

It's New Moon Time... The Last New Moon Of 2019 is also the last for the Decade! This new moon is also a Solar Eclipse. This new moon/solar eclipse is rising in earthy, get-stuff-done Capricorn and is the sign of structure, order and stability. Many have been deconstructing every area of your lives over the past 6 months in preparation for this solar eclipse and perhaps laying the groundwork, the new foundations for this a new beginning that will seed the next 6 months. New moon is the ideal time to stop & take stock of what we’ve been through and how it changed us by altering our perceptions to inform our future plans and behaviour. But it's not just any ol' new moon. This is the last new moon of the 2010s, making it a milestone Moon . It also falls at Christmas/holiday time, giving it an extra festive touch. And last but not least, December's New Moon is a also Solar Eclipse , which completely changes the energy and vibe of the luminary! Th

🎄 Merry Christmas!

🎅  Happy Xmas Everyone!   🎆 Wishing you All a Safe & Joyous Festive Season & A Happy New Year! ❄️  May your Holiday Season be rich with Wishes Fulfilled. 🎇  May your Hope be Restored & May your Dreams Come True for You & Your Loved Ones  💝  May you be Surrounded by Love, Peace & Joy! Love & Light, Leigh ^j^   FOLLOW US         Subscribe To Receive New Posts Straight to your Inbox     Enter your email address: