
Showing posts from January, 2018

FULL MOON RITUAL: A Super Simple 8 Step Releasing Ritual!

After a way to harness the Full Moon ? Why not try this RELEASING RITUAL ! The arrival of the Full Moon each month may highlight what is no longer serving you. As the moon reaches its fullest and brightest, much in your life will also have come into full illumination, highlighting both what is and isn’t working. Particularly if you set new moon intentions, the full moon may shed light on what is holding you back from progress and is a perfect opportunity to remove what stands in your way and will also help you to tune into the future- The Releasing Ritual:  You will need: ⦁ Two White Candles ⦁ Sage or your chosen smudging tool ⦁ Your favourite crystal: to choose your crystal, close your eyes and ask yourself what crystal would be most beneficial to you right now. Open your eyes and pick the first crystal that you gravitate towards ⦁ 3 identical sheets of paper ⦁ A pen and/or pencil ⦁ A notebook Directions: 1.) Start by taking your three identical sheets of p


Happy Full Moon Everyone, and what a doozy it is! Read below to find out what this Super Sized Blue Moon brings? How will it affect us? and what energies it will bring.  In addition to being a blue moon, Jan. 31st/1st full moon will also be a supermoon and a blood moon (meaning the full moon will occur during a total lunar eclipse). A blue moon is what happens when two full moons fall within the same calendar month. It happens so rarely — approximately once every two and a half years — that we've adopted the phrase "once in a blue moon" During a supermoon, the moon's closest approach to Earth during a single orbit coincides with the full moon, making the full moon appear bigger and brighter than usual. A lunar eclipse is the movement of the moon into the Earth's shadow. The blood moon is a full moon that appears reddish, because the Earth is blocking out sunlight as it lines up perfectly with the Earth — Whether or not you follow astrology, this event will aff

DAILY CARD: Wednesday 31st Jan, 2018

~ * THE QUEEN * ~ Friendships - Pleasures - Beauty.. Woman, fertility - female sexual energy and friendships among women - the Queen summons you to bestow her gifts upon you so that you can revel in the beauty of life. The Queen appears to remind you of the importance of self-esteem, self-worth, and holding your head high. Now is the time to set boundaries with others with gentle authority, yet try not to be isolated from them in the process. The Queen knows how to delegate authority when she needs to. Summon your inner Queen and ask for what you need. The Queen also asks weather you're having fun. Maybe you need to read a good book with a cup of cocoa, go to a spa, or make plans with your pals. Look after yourself and remember to nurture your friendships. The Queen knows that she needs allies in the world to sustain her and, in return, she shares her wealth with you. If you are inquiring about a specific female and your relationship to her, the Queen stands to represent her,

DAILY CARD: Tuesday 30th Jan, 2018

  ~ * THE EAGLE * ~ Spirit -  Integrity When the Eagle appears, it is a true signal of your connection to the angelic realm. With your angel's help and guidance, you can soar above life to see the larger vista. The Eagle helps you to make your choices accordingly, with integrity. When you pray to your angels, they will always answer, for they patiently wait for you to call upon them for assistance. The angels reside beside you, always hoping to aid humankind in finding peace, manifesting abundance and prosperity.  The Eagle also asks you to remember to soar high above life and look at the big picture. Don’t get too caught up in the tiny, unimportant aspects of life. The spiritual world is the real one - your physical life is the dream.  When the Eagle appears, it’s also a signal for prayer. It’s time for a moment of conscious contact with the Divine. Remember that you’re always protected and Divinely directed if you follow the guidance of spirit as it appears in the form of th

DAILY CARD: Monday 29th Jan, 2018

~ * WEALTH * ~ A Journey Marker... This is the marker of abundance and  success, and the achievement of a goal. It can refer to real riches and tangible results, such as money or possessions, but it can also portend a time of emotional satisfaction.  It’s always a reminder that all things can be attained.    Know that wealth includes  sharing, for this card is also a reminder to give something away to help another–be it money, time or anything of value.  Sharing will always ensure the flow of wealth.  This marker is a very fortunate omen. Have a wonderful day! Brightest blessings Leigh ^j^ LIKE. SUBSCRIBE. SHARE #mondaymotivation #NewWeek #freshstart #tarot #Reading #Oracle #Psychic #medium

DAILY CARD: Thursday 25th Jan, 2018

 ~ * THE HORSE * ~ Accepting Help - Authority.  The Horse appears on your path to offer assistance. If you’re asking a question about your life, the Horse says that you will indeed receive help from another to aid you on your quest. Too often, do you refuse help from others? Do you sometimes feel that although you give to others no one helps you? Well, you don’t have to walk the whole way alone. You can get help. The Horse appears to remind you that assistance is for the asking. Sometimes you need to be carried to get to your destination. Trust that when Horse appears, help is yours. Remember to ask for it, and also remember to accept it when it’s offered... Have a wonderful day! Brightest blessings Leigh ^j^ LIKE. SUBSCRIBE. SHARE #Thursday #Guidance #tarot #Oracle #Readings #Psychic #medium #Power

DAILY CARD: Wednesday 24th Jan, 2018

~ * THE BARD * ~ Music - Poetry - History. This card represents music; storytelling; and the passing of truths, myths, and legends from generation to generation through the spoken word or song. In ancient Avalon, the traditions and stories of the people were gathered on leaves that served as letters in a living alphabet and were tended in vast, long houses.  Here the Druids and priestesses came to read and weave the stories of magic and the sacred relationship to the God/Goddess and the Mystery. Those schooled in the art of music and storytelling were given the task of informing their world and keeping the stories of their culture alive. They were given the name of Bard. When the bard appears you're asked to seek answers in your own personal history. Go back into your own story and find the threads of the patterns in your reality and trace their length to the present. Perhaps you'll be surprised by how much of your past, or that of your ancestors, still w

DAILY CARD: Tuesday 23rd Jan, 2018

 ~ * PARTNERSHIP * ~ A JOURNEY MARKER. You’re put on notice to seek connection in all things. This is the coming together of ideas, the fulfilment of attraction, the marriage between two people, and the harmonious blending of energies. If you’re inquiring about a partnership of any kind, this signifies the importance of observing the qualities that this relationship creates as a result of the sum of it’s parts. There’s  always much to learn in the choice of partners. When you receive the blessing of Partnership on this part of your journey, it’s a sign that the object of your inquiry may indeed give you what you need. It’s the portent of opportunity, where the partnership exceeds the potential of the individual. This Sacred Journey Marker reminds you that you’re never alone, and that there’s also always a partnership with the Divine. It is a very auspicious omen... Have a wonderful day! Brightest blessings Leigh ^j^ LIKE. SUBSCRIBE. SHARE #tuesdaymotivation #Guidance

DAILY CARD: Monday 22nd Jan, 201

 ~ * BIRTH -REBIRTH * ~ A JOURNEY MARKER. Inspiration and new life are here! Rejoice, for spring is in the air and you're beginning again. This marker bodes well for any new project, endeavour, relationship, or idea to take shape and be birthed into the world. It also reminds you that anything old or painful can be brought forth or transformed by a new and creative perspective. This marker reminds you that the process leading up to a birth can feel cumbersome, restrictive, painful, and never-ending, yet the final shift brings an extraordinary gift of new life, a new vision born of surrender, and a total release. Know that you have come far and are at a place to celebrate your ideas and all things new. This card asks that you align yourself with the Mystery of spirit-the true source of creative energy and power. None of us are inspired without the subtle and profound influence of the soul's longing and the urgings of the Divine. Remember the prayer, &quo

WEEKLY REVIEW! 20th Jan > 15th Jan

WEEKLY REVIEW!  Miss Any Of Last Weeks Posts? You Can View All Posts At >> How did your week turn out? Let me know in the comments below, looking forward to hearing how your week turned out! Enjoy & Abundant Blessings For the New Week, Leigh ^j^

WEEKLY HOROSCOPES! 20th Jan ➤ 26th Jan

WEEKLY HOROSCOPES!  20th Jan ➤ 26th Jan TIP FOR THE WEEK: This weeks attention will be devoted to family, duty, and responsibilities. * read below to find out what this week has in store for you  >> ARIES: ( 21 st March - 20 th April)   If you feel expectations are pushing you too far you need to make your thoughts clear in a straightforward manner. It is not necessarily your obligation to be taking on responsibilities others are capable of handling. Your focus will begin to turn to goals and future possibilities up to mid March. Freedom not restrictions will appeal. TAURUS: ( 21 st April - 20 th May)        You can be conscious of what you have learnt either about yourself or on a personal level that will now assist you in looking at future possibilities in a down to earth manner. There certainly won’t be any doubt in your mind about certain things and you will have the support or agreement of others, which will support optimism.

DAILY CARD: Friday 19th Jan, 2018

Friday 19th Jan, 2018  ~ * FOCUS* ~ A JOURNEY MARKER... It is time to draw your energies inward. Let go of all things that are superfluous and unnecessary at this time. Focus your attention on the job ahead. Do what is in front of you, no matter how small the task. Clear focus is required. Be mindful to stay in the present. Avoid looking back or too far forward, for it is only in staying in the true present-the now-that the power residing in this Sacred Journey Marker can be used for the benefit of all. Your path is marked with the need to re-group and remind yourself of your goal. Then stay in the present time and do what is directly in front of you. Only one small, focused step at a time will place you at your destination. Have a wonderful day! Brightest blessings Leigh ^j^ LIKE. SUBSCRIBE. SHARE

NEW MOON: January 17, 2018

 NEW MOON: January 17, 2018 New Moon falls in Capricorn. What does this New Moon have in store for us, and how will it effect us? ...

DAILY CARD: Thursday 18th Jan, 2018

Thursday 18th Jan, 2018 ~ * THE BEE * ~ Luck - Industriousness - Sweet Victory... When the Bee buzzes onto your path, it’s a reminder that with hard work and a firm commitment to building your dream, a sweet outcome is assured. The Bee is a symbol of luck, so expect miracles and your life will be victorious and sweet. Remember that you also create your own luck. That is, effort is essential as you progress along your path in order to make your dreams a reality. The Bee is an industrious, busy creature that’s always making honey. The Bee “gets busy,” and that honey will soon be yours. The Bee is always a fortunate omen. Have a wonderful day! Brightest blessings Leigh ^j^ LIKE. SUBSCRIBE. SHARE

DAILY CARD: Wednesday 17th Jan, 2018

Wednesday 17th Jan, 2018 ~ * THE SPIDER * ~ Creative Projects - Changes.' The Spider reminds you that you have within you the gift to create meaningful, purposeful work.   Within you is an artist waiting to be expressed. Think about this: Do you write in a journal each day?  Do you draw, paint, cook or play music?  Do you realize that everything you do on a daily basis is an act of co-creation with the Divine? The Spider signals that it's time to be aware of your responsibility for the creations in your life. Maybe you need to rethink an issue and apply your inner artist to find a solution. If you're unhappy with anything, ask yourself,  "How can I create a better, more productive and loving experience for myself and others?" Whether you see yourself as an artist or not, you're always co-creating with the divine. You are the architect of your own happiness and fulfilment. What life are you building?    Don’t just sit there - thi

NEW MOON: January 17, 2018 New

January 17, 2018 New Moon falls in Capricorn. What does this New Moon have in store for us, and how will it effect us? Read Below To Find Out What Energy This New Moon Brings >>   New Moon Meaning: A New Moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another new 28 day cycle. This is an excellent time for making a fresh start, set intentions,turning over a new leaf or starting any new project. A New Moon symbolizes new beginnings!  New Moon Energy can be powerful. Tapping into this energy can support your dreams and desires. We can harness the energy of the New Moon to fulfil our visions and make our desires come true by creating a new moon ritual. The New Moon is a time of new beginnings, hope, faith and optimism. It is important night energy wise as it sets the pace for the entire lunar cycle. January New Moon:    January's New Moon brings a fresh  energy into all social situations. Connections to Mercury and Venus add a swe

DAILY CARD: Tuesday 16th Jan, 2018

Tuesday 16th Jan, 2018 ~ * FORGIVENESS * ~ A Journey Marker.. Drawing this marker says that you must now search your heart for any unresolved resentment, anger, or disagreements between you and another. If you’re still hurt or angry about another’s behaviour, or if there are circumstances in your life that you resent, this is a time when it's crucial to release the negative energy surrounding those situations.  Resisting this will only impede your growth and draw more unwanted experiences to you. Resentment and anger are emotions that actually bind you and hook you to the events that cause your suffering, keeping them alive inside you, draining you of your life force and inner light. nothing good comes from hate, anger, or resentment. Peace can only come through forgiveness, when you release all that binds you to negativity. Perhaps you need to forgive yourself for placing unrealistic expectations on your situation resulting in a self-sabota

DAILY CARD: Monday 15th Jan, 2018

~ * THE RAVEN * ~ Magic - Coincidence - Synchronistic Events... When the Raven appears, it's a sign of magic, where coincidence and Divine synchronicity bring surprising elements together. The Raven reminds you that on the path to wholeness, the magic of Avalon appears and all things become possible. Ask the Raven to help you be aware of synchronicity in your life and see how the God/Goddess works anonymously on your path. If you feel hopeless or lost, you may need reminding that this kind of magic occurs in your daily life. Even if you can't see it, trust it to bring joy, understanding, and fulfilment to your life no matter what the present circumstances appear to be. Remember the Raven says: "Believe in magic and you cannot help but see it. Magic lives within belief itself! Expect the unexpected and prepare to be amazed"... Have a wonderful day. Brightest blessings Leigh ^j^ LIKE. SUBSCRIBE. SHARE

WEEKLY REVIEW! 14th January > 7th January...

Happy Sunday Everyone, Miss Any Of Last Weeks Posts?  No problems, as you can catch up on all last weeks posts right here in this video. If you would like to read more on any of the posts within the video, simply clink on the Category  (e.g. click Daily Card Tab to read a daily card)  and it will take you straight to the post. Enjoy! Abundant Blessings For the New Week, Leigh ^j^ How did your week turn out? Let me know in the comments below. Looking forward to hearing how your week turned out!                                                                              Like. Follow. Share

WEEKLY HOROSCOPES! 13th Jan ➤ 19th Jan

TIP FOR THE WEEK: If you're looking for a reason to be productive or simply just want to catch a break this is YOUR best week to get things back in order.   Aries: Movement. Jupiter and Pluto never do anything by halves, and with Jupiter currently in the zone of financial relationships and Pluto influencing career and life-direction, there could be some extremely positive developments in these areas of life. It is possible that this aspect will preside over a financial upset or some other matter crucial to your ambitions. Wednesday's Capricorn new moon is indicative of a window of opportunity opening now or within the next two to four weeks. And this is a good thing. A new phase is beginning and to a certain extent these past two weeks have been about clearing away the past in preparation for a fresh start. Taurus: Expanding your horizon. If last week set the cat among the pigeons and had you running in ten different directions at once, this week give

DAILY CARD: Friday 12th Jan, 2018

Friday 12th Jan, 2018 ~ * THE HAWK * ~ Omens - Messages...   When Hawk appears, expect a message to be delivered to you to aid you in your quest. Perhaps a telephone call from a friend will help you solve a mystery, or a chance meeting with someone may solve a riddle. You may literally see writing on a wall or overhear a conversation between strangers that reveals your own answer unexpectedly. You will know it when it happens. Be open to messages from others, and be aware of omens and signs in nature. The world is constantly attempting to communicate with us, but we human beings have forgotten how to listen. So, remember who you are - an intrinsic part of the Great Mystery of life.  Listen and learn! This is the gift of the Hawk as he soars into your life from Avalon’s skies. Have a wonderful day. Brightest blessings Leigh X0 #FridayFeeling #FridayWisdom #tarot #Reading #Oracle #Psychic #medium #PositiveVibes #Messages #SpiritGuides


DAILY CARD: Thursday 11th Jan, 2018 ~ * THE DRAGON * ~ Power - Strength..   The Dragon comes to offer you its power and strength, to protect and fortify you on this leg of your journey. The Dragon symbolizes true power and reminds you that this infinite source is not found within your personality or ego. True power resides deep within your soul. So call on the Dragon's spiritual power and strength, and you will find a vast resource to strengthen your resolve... through morality, integrity, and purpose. If you're struggling with these issues, the Dragon will restore them to you. Remember that the power of the spiritual world can never be broken, and true strength is found within - not in the outside world. Never mistake a gentle man for a weak one. Watch for a signal - the Dragon always makes the next step clear, and gives you the power to take it. Have a wonderful day. Brightest blessings Leigh X0 #Th
DAILY CARD: Wednesday 10th Jan, 2018 ~ * JOY * ~ A Journey Marker This marks a time for celebration, for this portends the joyous completion of a project, the attainment of a goal, or the end of a long and arduous journey. When you’re thirsty, this marker promises that you’ll find a well; when you’re cold, a blanket; when you’re hungry, nourishment. Joy also has another aspect, for not only does it celebrate receiving blessings from the fruits of actual labour, but it’s also about the sharing of it. Joy celebrates itself - its very essence radiates beauty and well-being.  Like the spring sun breaking through after a long and gloomy winter, joy reminds us to be grateful for all the gifts of life. Joy bestows the blessings of happiness. You truly have reason to smile when this marker appears on your path... Have a wonderful day. Brightest blessings Leigh X0 #Wednesday #WednesdayWisdom #tarot #Reading #Oracle #Psychic #medium #WednesdayMotivation


DAILY CARD: Tuesday 9th Jan, 2018 ~ * MERLIN * ~ Alchemy - Justice - Balance. The Merlin is the messenger of initiation and alchemy and is both the Magician and the High Priest. He is the masculine keeper of magic and has the ability to turn iron ore into gold. The Merlin says "You have all you need to move forward. Rejoice that all the elements you require for success are indeed present!" You are given notice that, when it comes to your life and it’s purpose, the magical aspect of the Merlin can be summoned to help you find an answer within you. When the Merlin appears, he tells you that justice will be done in all matters of your query, but not by any forceful action. Instead, ask yourself what you need to do to bring balance into your life. Are you working too hard, perhaps over-thinking things? Do you have enough downtime? The answers you seek are not found in obvious places. It’s time to go within, through meditation and prayer, and ask the Spirit world o

DAILY CARD: Monday 8th Jan, 2018

DAILY CARD: Monday 8th Jan, 2018  ~ *LOVE* ~  Journey Marker... This marker reminds you to show kindness and compassion to all whom you meet on your path—be it a beggar on a street corner, a co-worker, a family member, an animal, or a plant whose leaves need pruning. This marker asks you to shift perception from yourself as a solitary person on the earth to one who’s part of a living system. Love is what made you, so keep it flowing. Remember to receive love as well. Ask yourself, “Am I blocking love?” This marker reminds you that you’re as connected to all of life as it is to you, and that you’re responsible to be the steward of the love of the God/Goddess. Love is without conditions—it is respectful, mindful, sees all life as sacred, and acts in accordance. Love reminds you that this very planet is a living being. Love is the very essence of the Divine in you, and it sees the Divine in others. This is the time to see through the eyes if Love and always ask before yo

WEEKLY REVIEW! 6th January > 1st January

Original Post The Week That Was: 6th January  >  1st January Miss Any Of Last Weeks Posts?... We all live busy lives and some days the 'To Do' list seems to be never ending, and the week just seems to get away from us. In our busy lives keeping up with the latest going ons in social media, our e-mails and all the news within the cyber world, can be time consuming and overwhelming to go through. So you never have to miss out on a post again, I have gathered all of my posts for the week together in a quick and easy 50 sec video format, posted every Sunday for you to see all of my posts in a way that won't take up to much of your time. If you come across a particular post, that you want to read more on, you just clink on the link above or (Click Here) and it will take you directly to the original posts.  Enjoy and Abundant Blessings For the New Week, Leigh XO How did your week turn out? Let me know in the comments below- I am looking forward to hearing

Touched By An Angel Healings: Werkly Horoscopes: 6th Jan - 12th Jan

Touched By An Angel Healings: Werkly Horoscopes: 6th Jan - 12th Jan : WEEKLY HOROSCOPES! 6th Jan ➤ 12th Jan TIP FOR THE WEEK: A fresh start is well and truly written in the stars this week, emphasizing the impo...

Werkly Horoscopes: 6th Jan - 12th Jan

WEEKLY HOROSCOPES! 6th Jan ➤ 12th Jan TIP FOR THE WEEK: A fresh start is well and truly written in the stars this week, emphasizing the importance of mind over matter.....To find out what the week has in store for you read below >> Aries (March 20–April 19) Mars is your planetary avatar. You begin the year in the sign of Scorpio which lends much power and authority to your actions. You will probably be involved in a project requiring the use of your large muscles or supporting one or more people who can’t fight for themselves. Between Jan. and Oct. you will enjoy gifts and benefits from those who appreciate your spirit. Saturn in your 10th solar house brings a change in your work or profession. You may decide to begin a new direction in your life or will be taking on significantly more responsibility in the current work. Beginning in late May your financial income picture may begin to fluctuate. At times it will be higher than normal and at other times lower. Mars begins

FULL MOON: January 2nd, 2018

FULL MOON: 2018 January 2nd... Hi, Full Moon Blessings Everyone! What energies does this first Full Moon of 2018 bring about and how will it effect us? How do we get the most out of the Full Moon’s vibrations? and how will it all effect us! January Has Two Full Moons — The First Is Tonight! Brace yourselves for a brighter than bright January, as we will be graced with two full moons this month, with the first one reaching its crest the night of January 2nd. Where this full moon will usher in the energy we traditionally associate with the January full moon, the second one, set to arrive on the 31st, will be a blue moon. Known as the Wolf Moon or the Hunger Moon, January's full moon offers you a chance to reflect on the year to come. Spend the night with the friends you want to grow closer to in the next 12 months or send out job applications under the light of the full moon. Celebrate anything that will lay the foundation for a fruitful 2018 is a worthy celebr