DAILY CARD: Friday 22nd Dec, 2017

Daily Card: Friday 22nd Dec, 2017
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THE WIND FAERY-  Thoughts - Words - Intellectual Analysis.

The Wind Faery whispers that the power of thoughts manifests the unseen into the physical.
Take time to observe your predominant thoughts. Are they positive and empowering? Or negative and disempowering?

When you tune into how your mind is focused, you will surely see the relationships between your environment and the thoughts you're thinking. To change the world of outer conditions, you must first change the way you think.

The Wind Faery also reminds you of the power of intellect, as this is a good time to use the power of your analytical mind. Think before you act; this is not the time for impulsive action. A well-thought out strategy will yield a positive result...

Brightest blessings Leigh  X0


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