DAILY CARD: Tuesday 6th March 2018

DAILY CARD: Tuesday 6th March 2018 ~ * THE MYSTERY * ~ A Journey Marker -

This marker directs you into the unknowable Mystery of your journey. It is the sacred place where all things are created but are not yet in form, It points the way to pure power and potential, which meets the magic of intention. It tells you that the magical unknowable forces of destiny and fate are working in your life.

The forces that you can never fully understand or control are, indeed, weaving their magic around you to help you fulfil your true purpose. There is, however, a warning to be humble here: The Mystery reveals itself only when it chooses, and not when or how you demand.

The cosmic laws operate here outside of time and space, outside of human influence and intellect. Only hindsight will reveal their patterns. Only total trust and the deepest faith can be your allies when the Mystery appears as a Sacred Journey Marker on your path.

Sometimes it may seem as if you are going backward, but truly, if you look at a spiral, it goes up, back, and around, reaching upward, although it may seem that you are not. You are indeed progressing.

Trust the Mystery, and keep going! For now, trust that the thread of your life is woven into the pattern of the Mystery with beauty, grace, strength, and purpose. This marker is an auspicious and profound omen that shows you that you are on the correct path.

Have a wonderful day! Brightest blessings Leigh ^j^


#tuesdaymotivation #Guidance #Oracle #Reading #Psychic #medium

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