RITUALS: How to Protect Yourself from Negative Energy


How to Protect Yourself from Negative Energy:

We are all emotional/energy sponges, some less, some more. Some people can be surrounded by negativity and not feeling much discomfort, some might end up with chronic depression.

But we are all energy absorbing people, just like a sponge, sometimes without even realizing it, we can be affected by the negative energy spread by other people. Energies like fear, anger, frustration, jealousy.

Places can also hold negative energy along with objects, as they are also absorbing energies from their environment and the people within them or handling them.

Do you have any of these signs?

-  Your feelings are easily hurt, but you avoid conflicts
-  Being in crowded places overwhelms you
-  You have a need for solitude to “recharge”
-  You can appear moody, shy, disconnected
-  You are feeling others emotions and taking them on as  your own
-  You are a good listener and you are the dumping ground for the problems of others
-  Watching violence, cruelty or tragedy on the TV is unbearable
-  You are sensitive to sounds and sensory feelings

If any of these ring true for you, you might be an empath or a highly sensitive person. Some studies are showing that empathy's are more likely to deal with depression, anxiety, loneliness and introversion.

Whether you are an empath or not, it is important to know how to navigate all of the negative energy floating all around us in our daily lives, before it becomes too difficult to deal with.

Here is how to protect yourself from other people’s negative energy:

Look for a source:

Ask yourself: what you feel are your emotions or other people? Where did you get this emotion? Fear and anger are almost never born in the minds of empathy, but they are good carriers. Try to pinpoint the obvious generator. Perhaps on this TV crew did a good job, your best friends keep dumping their loads on you, or all this is because you absorb negative emotions of other people in the crowd.

Distance yourself from the suspected source:

To protect yourself, mindfully manage your environment and screen out people who drain you or take advantage of your sensitive nature. When you live by your intuition, you have the ability to detect other people’s feelings and intentions. Use it to guide you in choices, environments and surroundings. Do not be afraid to step back or remove your self from an unhealthy situation.

In the crowd of strangers try to stay on the side. Avoid communicating with “emotional vampires”.  You will also need a place in the house – the one in which you are given some time alone. This can be a reading area or a desk with a computer.

Create Boundaries:

You struggle with boundaries. It’s tough to know where you leave off and others begin when to open your channels for connection or to close them. As an empath, if you don’t maintain healthy boundaries, everyone else’s emotions, problems, and all the noise of the internet and media will seep in and steal your presence.

It’s up to you to prevent that. You have to be the bad guy from time to time just to maintain your own health and sanity. People may get mad at you if you don’t do what they want you to do, but their feelings are not your feelings, and your well-being is not dependent on theirs.

Part of maturing as an empath is to stop taking on responsibilities that aren’t yours. There are times when we must have the courage to say “no,” when called upon to give away our valuable time or emotional resources. It’s okay to let others take care of themselves as much as possible. It’s fine to ask others to help you! A healthy relationship is a two-way venture where receiving is equal to giving.

Look for positive people and positive situations:

Call a friend who sees the good in others. Spend time with a colleague who affirms the bright side of things. Listen to hopeful people. Hear the faith they have in themselves and others. Also enjoy hopeful words, songs, and art forms. Hope is contagious and it will lift your energy level.

Get out in nature – even in solitude:

Go to or create a favourite place, this is where you can go for an hour or two to rest and recharge the batteries. It can be a promenade, a park, a forest outside the city or lake.  At home keep on your “desktop” display views of lush forests, waterfalls, wild beaches.  Take a hike in morning to the woods in the suburbs. Feel the sun, hug a three!


Centre yourself by concentrating on your breathing. For a few minutes, keep exhaling negativity, inhaling calm. This helps to ground yourself and purify fear or other difficult emotions. Visualize negativity as a grey fog lifting from your body. Imagine a beam of golden light of happiness entering you. This is a simple practice that can give quick results.

Cleansing and Protection Rituals:

As empath/energy being you must cleanse yourself from the negative energy you pick up in the world, similar to taking a shower to wash off.

Here are some rituals you can implement in your daily life to cleanse and protect yourself:

*  Soaking in sunshine & moonshine, visualization for protecting and holding your own space
*   Earthing is an excellent way to drain off stuff – bare feet  on sand/earth/sea
*    Grounding & Centring
*   Taking a bath with Epsom salt & candles
*   Smudging with Sage or incense burning
*   Essential oils & crystals  Smoky Quartz, Black Agate and Black Tourmaline are helpful
*    Meditation and visualizing
*   Declutter Be careful of old stuff and things you bring into your space
*   Mahamrutunjaya mantra or other healing music

Keep practising these strategies to shift negativity to positivity, to protect yourself against other people’s energies.  Remember that you are worthy of happiness and you are the author of your own life!

Happy Shielding. Have a wonderful day! Brightest blessings,

Leigh ^j^


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