WEEKLY REVIEW! 17th Mar > 12th Mar



The Week That Was! A Recap Of The Week: 12th Mar > 17th Mar...

Miss Any Of Last Weeks Posts? No Problem! You can catch up here, with this short video of the posts for the last week. If you would like to view any of the posts, simply click on the link under each post. 

How did your week turn out? Let me know in the comments below, looking forward to hearing how your week turned out! Blessings Leigh ^j^

DAILY CARD: Monday 5th March 2018 ~ * TRUTH * ~ A Journey Marker...

When the Goblin appears, It's time to stop what you're doing and check your motives. Now is the time for self-evaluation and taking inventory, before you take another step. Do nothing, stay still, send loving energies to yourself and others,The Goblin will disappear and lose power when you focus on Love and Fairness.


DAILY CARD: Tuesday 13th March 2018 ~ * COMMUNICATION * ~ A Journey Marker...

Are you clear and straightforward when you communicate with others? Do you have difficulty asking for what you need? This marker reminds you of many things related to how you speak to the world and how it speaks to you. Communication at this moment is highlighted in all areas of your life.


DAILY CARD: Wednesday 14th March 2018 ~ * PROTECTION * ~ A Journey Marker...

This marker reminds you to protect yourself and to be wary of hidden agendas. Are you being too open? Perhaps you don’t realize it, but you may find that you’re a target for others, especially if you’re shining brightly. Yet this isn’t a time to dim your light...


 RITUAL: How to Protect Yourself from Negative Energy-

Looking for some ways to Protect or Cleanse your Energy? Read "How to Protect Yourself from Negative Energy" for some rituals you can implement in your daily life to cleanse and protect yourself...


DAILY CARD: Thursday 15h March 2018 ~ * PERCEPTION * ~ A Journey Marker...

This marker requires you to contemplate how you look at the world. through what eyes do you see? This is the time to slow down to observe from all angles. This marker brings clarity and asks you to look and to wait. Perhaps all you need to do is to relax and put on another pair of glasses.


DAILY CARD: Friday 16th March 2018 ~ * THE EARTH FAERY * ~ Physical Health - Grounding - Foundations...

When The Earth Faery appears, she reminds you to get into your body and out of your head. The Earth Faery says to pay attention to your health and all things pertaining to your physical body. Another message from the Earth Faery is to make sure the foundations of all you do are solid.


NEW MOON RITUAL: 5 Simple Steps to Create A Ritual To Utilize the New Moon!

The New Moon is coming up on the 17th of March, so it is the perfect time to focus on the New Moon Energy, and How to Use Its Power!


WEEKLY HOROSCOPES! 17th Mar > 23rd Mar...

TIP FOR THE WEEK: On the 18th. Given a clear sky, roughly 35 minutes after sunset you will see a beautiful line-up in the emerging night. Look at the place where the sun has just set. You will see a sliver of crescent moon and to your right you will see Venus (evening star) followed by Mercury.


MOON PHASES: New Moon Intentions- 4 Simple Steps Intention Setting Ritual...

The new moon is the birthing cycle of the moon's various phases. Are you ready to attract your heartfelt longings by doing a moon ritual focused on manifestation? The new moon phase is an optimal time for planning and seeding your intentions..


Abundant Blessings For the New Week,

 Leigh ^j^

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