DAILY ORACLE CARD: Thursday 5th April, 2018




Thursday 5th April, 2018  ~* FEAR *~ A Journey Marker...

This marker asks you to identify how fear may be affecting you on this part of your journey. Are you afraid of failure? Perhaps you’re worried about success and the changes it brings, as it pushes you to be all you can be.

Are you afraid of loosing something you don't yet have? Is your fear valid? Have you seen actual evidence of adversity and trouble, or are you seeing false evidence, which gives the appearance of being real?

Fear is a crippling companion, and indicates a loss of faith and connection to the Divine. Remember that the God/Goddess doesn't give you anything you cannot handle.

Fear comes from the part of you that identifies with separation, division, and form. To release you're self from it, remember that you are first and foremost an infinite soul. Look through those eyes, and the fear will subside as you remember to trust the way of the Mystery.

Don't struggle with fear. Look inside; see the part of you that is afraid; and send love, light and compassion inward. This would be a very good time to write an inventory of your fears and their possible solutions. Once upon paper, you may find that you've been afraid of the fear itself. 

This is an auspicious omen of transformation!

Have a wonderful day! Brightest blessings,

Leigh ^j^

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