FRIDAY 13th: The Spiritual Significance of Friday the 13th

The Spiritual Significance of Friday the 13th:

Hi everyone, Happy Friday 13th! 
What is the meaning of 'Friday 13th' Is it good luck or bad luck? Read below to find out what the significance of this Friday the 13th is...

Is there something to fear on Friday the 13th?

When we hear ‘Friday 13th’ positive images are not the first thing that spring to mind! Even if you’re not superstitious you still probably link the date with bad luck.

Many people believed that this date is unlucky day. Some horror movies and books have been named after this day and even statistical data shows that there are an increased number of accidents on this date. However, have you ever wondered how all of this came from?

Before the start of patriarchal times, Friday the 13th was considered the day of the Goddess, a day to worship the divine feminine residing in all of us and an opportunity to honour the cycle of creation, death and rebirth. It was a holiday of creativity, beauty, wisdom and a day for soul nourishment.

Friday is Venus Day and Venus is the symbol of divine feminine energy:

Her energy join us at the end of the week and it serves as a reminder to honour the days that have passed and relax and enjoy the weekend. As a society, we all look forward to Venus day, and we all naturally find ourselves unwinding and relaxing in her comforting energy.

The Number 13 also holds an extremely powerful feminine energy and many cultures believe it to be the number of death and rebirth, creation, fertility and blood.

This is connected to the 13 Moon cycles every year and also the number of periods women experience per year on average. If a woman’s periods are in sync with the cycle of the Moon, she will shed her lining on the New Moon and ovulate on the Full Moon.

The 13th falls somewhere in the middle of the Moon cycle on average and represents that midway point between death and rebirth. The point between the New Moon, a period of shedding (the death) and the Full Moon a period of ovulation (rebirth).

In ancient times when a woman was bleeding she was considered to embody divine and magical powers. She was regarded by all for her wisdom and ability to offer intuitive and psychic messages. While during ovulation she was believed to be at the height of her power and was worshipped for her ability to receive, hold and create new life.

It was only when the society became patriarchal, women started feeling ashamed when they were having their periods and they were taught to ignore their amazing ability for creating new life, something sacred.

So once everything changed people started forgetting about the divine potential of Fridays and the number 13 and it’s when the idea that Friday the 13th is an unlucky day started spreading like wildfire.

But there are so many things that support the fact that Friday the 13th shouldn’t be considered an unlucky day, on the contrary it’s a day when good things intertwine.

The lunar calendar also has 13 months, which further supports 13 as holding feminine power. Furthermore, the Moon is also representative of feminine energy and helps us to understand and deal with our emotions and sensitivities.

In astrology charts, the moon not only guides our emotions but it also brings our potential to the light and help us better express in life. As a matter of fact, often understanding your Moon sign can help you bring more awareness than understanding your Sun sign.

Bringing Friday and the number 13 together, you can see that Friday the 13th is in fact, a very powerful day for feminine energy and creativity. Moreover it’s a beautiful time of death and rebirth as it’s the mid-point in the cycle between something new emerging and something old going away.

Part of the mystery surrounding Friday the 13th may be traced backed to the pagan communities because many rituals and spells were often conducted on this day due to the potent energies that are present. Maybe that’s when the fear surrounding Friday the 13th first appeared because many witchcraft followers held this day in high regard and chose it for their rituals.

We all have feminine energy in us, so Friday the 13th is not just for women. It’s not an unlucky day as well. It’s a day when you should celebrate life, beauty, creativity and all the cycles in life! It’s a great day to use to get in tune with your emotions and awake the divine within!

Enjoy, Celebrate & Blessings Everyone, 


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