What does this June New Moon have in store for us, and how will it effect us?

A New Moon symbolizes new beginnings!  New Moon Energy can be powerful. Tapping into this energy can support your dreams and desires. We can harness the energy of the New Moon to fulfil our visions and make our desires come true by creating a new moon ritual, Intentions or manifesting your desires or goals. 

New Moon Meaning:

A New Moon symbolizes new beginnings!  A time of new beginnings, hope, faith and optimism. Making a fresh start, setting intentions,turning over a new leaf or starting a new project.

The new moon is a time of initiation and new beginnings,hope, faith and optimism.  It is the time to plant a seed of what you want to grow in your life. Making a wish, an intention, a promise, or a vow are common customs.

A New Moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another new 28 day cycle. This is an excellent time for making a fresh start, set intentions,turning over a new leaf or starting any new project.

New Moon Effects:

The moon phases can affect our mind, body and emotions in the following ways:

*   Body- We tend to sleep less during the new moon phase and rise early. Our appetite tends to increase and we tend to experience spurts of energy.

*   Mind- This is a time we usually experience sudden insights and develop new ideas. It is a great time to be creative and participate in writing, painting or anything else that allows the mind to be inspired.

 *   Emotions- During this time it is common to feel shy and experience sensitive feelings. It is a good time to stay away from crowds and to keep the focus on ourselves.

The new moon brings about a time of calmness and balance, while also bringing energy and acceptance that anything can be accomplished. Use this time to set seeds of intentions for the following moon cycle and love watching what manifests throughout the month.

It is important to pull our energy inward, to be the brightest lights we can, to show the greatest love we can. We hope the light we shine will catch others alight.

New moon rituals are perfect for planting new seeds and starting afresh. We are essentially working on the blank canvas of the dark moon where our ideas can gestate in the new moon soil. These thought-seeds are slowly awoken by the growing crescent moon as the day’s progress towards the illumination of the full moon.

The darkness of the new moon gives peace and tranquillity while our seed intentions slowly take root and sustenance form the fertile earth below. This period cannot be rushed and it is a great time to have some quiet dark-moon time to compose our goals and plans for the month ahead. Any wishes made at this time carry great force.

New Moon Intentions Ceremony to Perform on The New Moon:

To make this a sacred time use Four Items to honour the elements. Have with you a small bottle of sand for the element of earth, a feather for the element of air, a red candle for the element of fire, and a cup of water for the element of water.

On the evening of the New Moon fill a glass with pure clean water. Hold your filled glass and take a moment to stand before any sacred space that you have set up or is special to you and breathe into your centre – that deep internal place that is the source of your intent and where all change is possible.

Internalize the knowing that All Water is One Water, with the power to cleanse and purify, to wash away the dust of all that was. Know that water always seeks to flow and in so doing erodes away all the blocks and obstacles that hinder its progress.

Fill yourself with all the thoughts of change that help this world to be better in all ways. Bring up all the ways that you can help to foster and create that change, not only within but also in your daily life to the world around you. Allow those intentions and energy to flow into the water that you hold.

Add to its power by singing, drumming or raising energy in your own unique way. Allow your energy to infuse the remaining water within your glass while deeply knowing that all water is connected. Remember that all water is one water, and that the water of our bodies is the same as the sea and the rain and the river. The energy of water flows and returns to you like a great tide, the waves of true and undeniable change that begins with your own personal divine source.

Drink some of the water in your glass and allow the energy to infuse all parts of your inner self, knowing that you are raising your vibration to a higher level.

New Moon Manifestation That You Can Perform.

  •     Make a fresh start.
  •     Begin a project.
  •     Initiate a new relationship.
  •     Start a new routine.
  •     Create a ritual that is sacred to you.
  •     Set an intention
  •     Write down your wishes, dreams, and desires.
  •     Light a white/silver candle; imagine the new moving toward you in joyful, powerful ways.
Spend a few moments breathing in the energy of this new reality each day, making it more and more tangible. Work this for one moon cycle and re-access and energize on the next new moon if needed.

Let this new moon help you make a difference in your life and in your part of the world.

Setting Your New Moon Intentions in Motion:

Keep in mind that our words and thoughts are vibrations so any intentions stated or written down carry power, so take care to really manifest exactly what you would like by feeling that vibration. The moon has her phases and so do we, that is why it is always good to think it through to become clear about what you want.

* Cleanse your sacred area with an Opening Prayer; use the White Light, and by burning some incense.

* Light one or more candles, have your favourite crystals with you. Have anything you consider sacred with you.

* Centre and calm yourself. Take some deep cleansing breaths. Play music that is peaceful and meditative.

Have a notebook handy and Begin writing down your desires. Write out what you want to manifest during the next month. These goals can range from small to big. Do not limit yourself. Sometimes obtaining the smaller goals helps you have confidence that you can manifest the bigger goals.

Now close your eyes and imagine what it would feel like to attain your desires and goals. Make sure to not come from the place of feeling the “wanting” part but really feel as if you have already achieved those moments and goals, picture what that feels like.

In this notebook you can also use it as a manifestation scrapbook or make a vision board where you can paste in pictures or catalogue clippings of items that you want to manifest. You will soon be amazed how these things begin to find their way into your life once you start this process. During the month when an item on your new moon list comes to you, you get to cross it off!

How will you utilize this New Moon energy? What are your favourite New Moon rituals?  Let me know in the comments below...If you enjoyed this post, please consider to Like - Subscribe - Share. Thank you!

Happy New Moon Everyone!

Leigh ^j^

Here Are Some Other New Moon Rituals You May Be Interested In:

NEW MOON MANIFESTATIONS For Getting The Most Out Of The New Moon!

NEW MOON RITUAL -5 Simplistic Ways to Create A New Moon Ritual...

NEW MOON RITUAL - Utilizing the New Moon Energy to Cleanse & Charge your Crystals!

A New Moon Ritual To Set Your Intentions & Manifest Your Desires in 4 Simple Steps!

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