WEEKLY HOROSCOPES: 9th June > 15th June

WEEKLY HOROSCOPES: 9th June > 15th June


This week, many of us will feel compelled to revisit the past in some way.  Old issues of resentment and anger may resurface for a better cleansing.  A helpful ritual in these times is to clean out closets, eliminate useless items, and organize clutter.  There is something about these activities that helps us to clear our thoughts.

What does the New Week have in store for you? Check out your Weekly Horoscopes below to find out!

ARIES: (21st March & 20th April)
It is time to become more serious about what needs to be put in place as a solid foundation to continue to build upon. You have had the opportunity to weigh all of this up since mid May. Don’t be tempted to make sudden decisions financially especially if this will interfere with obligations already in place that you must meet.

TAURUS: (21st April & 20th May)
Life can be changing in ways you least expected and this can lead to you having to open your mind to different ideas to late June. This might include letting go of long term goals you had that can now seem too difficult to pursue. You can make more progress than first seemed possible up to mid July just as long as you accept change

GEMINI: (21st May & 20th June)       
The need to focus on finances can arise without warning. This can be connected to the expectations of others or pressure that is projected your way. Some sort of new direction is being generated but what it will eventually produce will not be clear because much of it will be out of your hands. Weigh up information carefully.

CANCER: (21st June & 22nd July)
The New Moon this week occurs in your own sign this week. Mercury, the planet of thought and communication moves into your sign as well where it will remain until the 29th June. This will give you the time to think about new directions you want to take or are developing. You have had to chance to weigh this up since mid May.

LEO: (23rd July & 22nd August)
Venus, the planet of pleasure, balance and harmony moves into your sign this week where it will remain until 10th July. You should take advantage of involving yourself in pleasurable activities. There will also be a lot going on behind the scenes that can include some attention seeking behaviour from others. Stay on your own path.

VIRGO: (23rd August & 22nd September)    
Anything that involves you with a group of people can produce some unexpected experiences that take your life down a new path. You must keep your important priorities in life in mind, as it may be difficult to gauge where other people are coming from. Find time to yourself to mid July for considering all angles.

LIBRA: (23rd September & 22nd October)
There will be the opportunity to take a new approach to any situation, either work or personal that requires commitment. You might need to get your mind around something you did not expect to late June. This can involve dropping certain obligations that will lead to a very different structure to form at the basis of things.

SCORPIO: (23rd October & 21st November)    
Something can change suddenly in relation to somebody else that will lead to you thinking very differently about the direction things can take in the future. This can include considering that which could be more practical to drop, especially if you can see disruption to things that have already been in place for a while.

SAGITTARIUS: (22nd November & 21st December)
It may seem that others are able to influence things to suit themselves while you are on the receiving end. You need to be grateful for the knowledge it is giving you and while you may not be able to do much about it right now, it will arm you will the knowledge of how they operate. Enjoy considering your own goals to mid July.

CAPRICORN: (22nd December & 19th January)  
There can be new directions and change to people around you. Be careful of agreeing to any commitments or obligations too quickly. You should not hold back on asking whatever questions you deem necessary to late June. There can be a secretive element on their part and you will need to dig to find out what it is.

AQUARIUS: (20th January & 18th February)
This is a good time to start a new health regime though you will probably not feel entirely keen to get moving. It might also be that you are determined to change habits that have been in place for a long time. Included in this should be an intention to involve yourself with other people more with something you enjoy.

PISCES: (19th February & 20th March)
It may seem you are on the go way too much, which is interfering with time that you do need for getting some rest. This will not slow up of its own accord, but you will now be given the opportunity to weigh up what you can reasonably manage. Don’t be surprised if it leads you to realising some things have to go that you never expected.

Wishing Everyone a Fantastic Week!

 Leigh ^j^

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