WEEKLY REVIEW: 16th July > 21st July...

WEEKLY REVIEW: Miss Any Of Last Weeks Posts? No Problem! You can catch up below on all last week's the posts... Enjoy!


DAILY CARD:  Monday 16th July, 2018 ~* THE CAT *~  Independence - Healthy Boundaries...

The Cat reminds you to set healthy boundaries. The Cat lends you its power to live freely and to remember that adventure is just beginning. On this leg of your journey, you will emerge safe and sound. Live freely, love without unhealthy attachment, and Live freely, love without unhealthy attachment...View Here

RITUAL: 3 Monday RITUALS to Get Your Week Started Right! 

These 3 easy weekly rituals will help you ease into your Monday and make your week awesome. Do the beginning of your weeks often give you a depressing case of the Mondays? It doesn't matter whether you are a student, parent, work for others or work for yourself, Monday mornings--especially after a long weekend--are often a huge mental hurdle that can throw your whole week off....View Here

DAILY CARD: Tuesday 17th, 2018 2018 ~* THE SPIDER *~ Creative Projects...

The Spider signals that it's time to be aware of your responsibility for the creations in your life. Maybe you need to rethink an issue and apply your inner artist to find a solution. If you're unhappy with anything, ask yourself,  "How can I create a better, more productive and loving experience for myself and others?"...View Here

DAILY CARD:  Wednesday 18th, 2018 ~* THE KING *~ Man - Authority - Justice...

When the King appears on your path, it’s time to put your house in order, complete any unresolved legal issues and deal with issues related to fairness. The King always lets you know that something significant is yours to experience and learn from.The King requires you to take inventory of anything left undone and do it...View Here


DAILY CARD: Thursday 19th, 2018 ~* THE EARTH FAERY *~ Physical Health - Grounding...

When The Earth Faery appears, she reminds you to get into your body and out of your head. Don't spend so much time analysing things over and over. The Earth Faery says to pay attention to your health and all things pertaining to your physical body. Another message from the Earth Faery is to make sure the foundations of all you do are solid...View Here

FAERY RITUAL: Connect with the Faery Realm and Invite them into Your Life!

Ever wanted to have faeries in your garden and in your day? Read all about the faery realm, and how to connect and invite them into your life and garden...View Here

DAILY CARD: Friday 20th, 2018 ~* THE NOVICE *~ Innocence - Beginner...

The Novice is reminding you to be teachable and humble. If you don’t know something, don’t pretend that you do. Chances are that you’ll make an error that may cost you more than you wish to pay.  The Novice reminds you that you need to stop and ask yourself, “What lesson must I learn here?” The lesson is always mirrored in the experience in front of you. Patience and slow movement is required when the Novice appears!...View Here

10 Great Grounding Rituals To Help Restore Your Energy Levels And Reclaim Your Personal Power!

These great grounding Rituals: will help you understand what it really means to "ground yourself" and ten easy ways to make it work with your life....View Here

WEEKLY HOROSCOPES: 21st July > 27th July...

TIP FOR THE WEEK:  This week many of us will feel compelled to revisit the past in some way. Old issues of resentment and anger may resurface for a better cleansing.

A helpful ritual in these times is to clean out closets, eliminate useless items, and organize clutter...View Your Stars Here

How did your week turn out? Let me know in the comments below, looking forward to hearing how your week was!

Have a Wonderful Week!

Leigh ^j^

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