DAILY ORACLE CARD: Friday 21st September 2018

Friday Card Reading ~* THE NOVICE *~ Innocence - Beginner...

New skill without practice, naiveté, foolishness, early knowledge. Not yet integrated, the ability to see the world untainted, and learning ability - these are the aspects of the Novice as she appears in your life.

The Novice is reminding you to be teachable and humble. If you don’t know something, don’t pretend that you do. Chances are that you’ll make an error that may cost you more than you wish to pay.

New information is coming, and this is the time to be open to learning and expanding. The Novice also reminds you to be like a child and remember the wonder and awe you once had for the world around you… when discovering magic was an essential part of everyday experience.

The Novice reminds you that you need to stop and ask yourself, “What lesson must I learn here?” The lesson is always mirrored in the experience in front of you. Dig deep into the workings of whatever situation you’re inquiring about. You don’t have to look far, for the answer is right in front of you.

Sometimes it may feel as if you have two left feet and don’t know how to dance, or that perhaps you are fumbling in the dark and fear that you may be left behind. It’s alright to be in the “not-knowing.” This is the place where new understanding takes time to integrate.

Be gentle with yourself. The greatest gift the Novice reminds you of is that you're always at the beginning of some area of your life. Patience and slow movement is required when the Novice appears.

Before moving forward, perhaps you need time to journal your thoughts and receive clarity about what the Mystery invites you to learn. Then rejoice! The Novice of Avalon is on a path to higher knowledge and abundant manifestation and doesn't stay a Novice for long.

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Have a Wonderful Day!

Leigh ^j^

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