SEPTEMBER NUMEROLOGY: How Will Your Personal Year Number Affect Your September?

SEPTEMBER NUMEROLOGY: How Will Your Personal Year Number Affect Your September (This Is A “Turning Point” Month!)


The energy of your Personal Year intensifies in September. It’s rather like the crescendo to the long piece of music you’ve been playing all year. One of the fascinating things about numerology—and about math—is that, whenever you add the number 9 to another number, it always reduces to the same number to which the 9 was added. 

During the month of September (9) everyone is experiencing the same personal month number as their Personal Year number. So in your 1 Personal Year, in September you’re now also in your 1 Personal Month. If you’re experiencing a 2 Personal Year, you’re in your 2 Personal Month, and so on. So you’re doubling the energy of the Personal Year you’ve been navigating the entire year so far with the energy of your Personal Month.

The “Turning Point” Month:

Numerologically speaking, September is a turning point month where you’ll start feeling the “theme” of your next phase starting to knock at your internal door. If you’re tuned into these energies, you can feel a distinct level of intensity in September and also begin to feel a sense of walking back down the hill (metaphorically speaking) through October, November, and December as you ready yourself for the new energies coming to you in the new year. 
It’s as though the energy of your current Personal Year begins to hand the baton over to the next Personal Year. Yet what I’d also like to emphasize is that we never just “leave” one theme (or “energy”) and enter into something fully and completely different.

Optimally, we’re being asked to integrate the lessons and experiences of any given year with the new “theme” coming into play. When we’re able to use the theme of the current year (and the years prior) as building blocks into the next year—well then, that’s the way it should be done.

So it’s always great when we can see how each year can positively inform the next. In my experience, September holds heightened energy related to the theme of your current personal year. It’s like your “final exam” to see if you’ve been in alignment with the Personal Year lessons you’ve been working with all year long.

Calculating Your Personal Year: 

Add the date and month of birth, add that to the Universal Year (2018 is a 11/2 Universal Year), and 

then reduce the new sum to a single digit number. 

Ex. If your birthday is July 4th, then 7 + 4 + 2 = 13; 1 + 3 = 4; 4 is your Personal Year Number.

What to Expect in September by Personal Year:


Number 1 Personal Year:

September offers a culmination of the lessons of the 1 Personal Year. What have you started this year? Have you followed through with action and determination? Have you learned how to stand on your own two feet and assert your independence in a healthy way? It’s becoming time to say “ciao” to all that action, independence, individuality, and new beginnings you’ve been working on and open up to the energy of the number 2.

This upcoming year ushers in a time where patience is the lesson or the theme of the year. It’ll be a time devoted to slowing down and focusing time and energy on other people, as opposed to the more self-absorbed energy required during the 1 Personal Year. It’s a year where you’ll experience delays and slow-downs, yet it’s all set up for “right timing.” The bonus is this:

You’ll have the opportunities to spend precious time investing in your loving relationships, developing partnerships and alliances, and involving yourself in larger group dynamics. It’s a great year for developing yourself emotionally and learning more about your internal mechanisms and what makes you tick on an emotional level. It’s a year to learn more about how love has shown up for you and how you show up for love. Love and relationships will be top priority.

Number 2 Personal Year:

September offers a culmination of the lessons of the 2 Personal Year. Have you cultivated a sense of patient purpose? Have you taken time to nurture your relationships? Have you gotten more in touch with yourself and your feelings?

It’s becoming time to say “ciao” to the delays, three-steps-forward and two-steps-back, and diplomacy you’re working on this year and “hello” to the energy of the 3—which is lighter, joyful, expressive, and social. The upcoming year ushers in a time where life can feel as though it’s getting a fresh coat of paint. It’s going to feel more energetic and fun—more social and engaging.

The upcoming year’s theme is “self-improvement.” Creativity and expression are the foundational energies in the coming year. Can you handle it? After earning your Ninja status as the purveyor of patience this year, I bet the answer is “Let’s get this party started!” It’s prime time to learn something new, act on your creative impulses, and find your joy. Speaking your truth and creative self-expression will be top priority.

Number 3 Personal Year:

September offers a culmination of the lessons of the 3 Personal Year. Have you been engaged in some kind of self-improvement? Have you gotten up close and personal with your emotional life? Have you tapped into your joy and acted on your creativity?

It’s becoming time to say “ciao” to a bit of the fun-and-frolic, socializing, and the focus on yourself and the lightness of being. Not that you can’t take that with you wherever you go—yet the energy related to your upcoming 4 Personal Year takes a different turn. Your focus for this year was on your own sense of yourself, in refining and expressing your emotions and creativity, and in all things self-improvement.

This was a year where your emotional life was served to you on a platter—was it delicious or did it leave you with indigestion? The upcoming year is a bit more serious and hardworking, devoted to setting goals and foundations for your life, and building what you want from the ground up. This will be a time for step-by-step processes and progress. It’s the year for working hard to set things up that will serve as the foundation for the next five years and beyond. Clearly defined goals and diligence will be top priority.

Number 4 Personal Year:

This is a year to wrap up lose ends, especially when it comes to matters within the home and family. September may be the perfect month to heal old family wounds or to create some healthy boundaries if you feel you are being taken advantage of. It is also a good time to organize your home environment and to manage any maintenance or repairs that need attending.

September offers a culmination of the lessons of the 4 Personal Year. Have you established obtainable goals? Have you organized yourself in a way that makes work and personal life more effective? Do you feel a sense of accomplishment yet? It’s becoming time to say “ciao” to an over-focus on work and a massive devotion to goal setting and self-discipline.

This upcoming year is designed as a freedom-seeking year. You’re coming into a time devoted to change, flexibility, new and progressive ideas, fun, travel, and fearless adventure. Just remember to usher in just a bit of that focus and discipline you instituted this year so that next year will be more effective and—ultimately—more fun.

If you don’t hang on to a bit of that grounded energy of the 4, next year can be too frenetic and therefore somewhat discouraging. This is a year where you can begin to manifest and have fun with all of the things you put into working order last year. It’s a sensual year when you’re sex appeal will be at a peak. It will be a great year to explore, yet not the best time to make a solid commitment. Flexibility and openness to change will be top priority.

Number 5 Personal Year:

September offers a culmination of the lessons of the 5 Personal Year. Have you been open to meeting new people? Have you tried new and different things or learned something new? Can you now see past the “bright and shiny objects” and focus on the specific change you’re ushering in right now?

It’s becoming time to say “ciao” to your free wheeling, freedom seeking, frenetic, and ever-changing year and “hello” to a bit of a slow down. Toward the end of September, you’ll start feeling the shifting energies around you as you move into the more duty-filled and responsibility-laden energies of the 6 Personal Year.

Home and family will be a focus in the upcoming year and much of your energy will take a turn from the exploration of “freedom” and all that goes with it and into more of a home-focused year filled with a heightened sense of responsibility and a re-evaluation of all of your relationships. The year is perfect for stepping up levels of commitment in your intimate relationship, finding “the one,” or making the determination that you need to move on. Responsibility and relationships will be top priority.

Number 6 Personal Year:

September offers a culmination of the lessons of the 6 Personal Year. Have you made determinations about certain things that need to be discarded in your life? Do you feel nurtured and loved? Have you modulated your sense of responsibility by not being too responsible or irresponsible? It’s becoming time to say “ciao” to heightened responsibilities with home and family and “hello” to the self-discovery that’s waiting for you in the upcoming year.

Toward the end of September, you’ll start feeling the shift as you move into more soul-searching energies. You’ve engaged with duties with family and loved ones this year. You’ve been working on relationships—both with yourself and with those around you. Not that you can’t take that with you wherever you go—yet the energy related to your upcoming 7 Personal Year takes a different turn.

You’re coming into your 7 Personal Year, which is a sabbatical year of sorts. You were “on call” for everyone else this year. Next year, it’s all about you. It’s a year of knowledge building and internal excavation. Get ready to peel back some of the layers and get to know the up-and-coming you. It’s a year to go inward. Knowledge gathering and internal contemplation will be top priority.

Number 7 Personal Year:

September offers a culmination of the lessons of the 7 Personal Year. Have you taken some downtime to nourish your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health? Have you revealed some hidden aspects of yourself? Are you becoming more spiritually attuned?

It’s becoming time to say “ciao” to the slower moving, internally probing energies of the 7 and “hello” to the fast-and-furious energy of the 8—all about finances, personal power, and achievement. Toward the end of September, you’ll start feeling the shifting energies around you as you move into the more materially oriented energies of the 8 Personal Year.

This year is focused on going inward— excavating the spiritual lessons you’re working with and contemplating deeply. You couldn’t be working with two more disparate energies as you segue from 2018 (your 7 Year) into 2019 (your 8 Year). This year has hopefully been somewhat restful—a break where you’re honing your internal compass into the direction you want to evolve and expand. Now it’s time to push yourself out of the sidelines and into the game—to make things happen in the physical and material world. Finances and personal empowerment will be top priority.

Number 8 Personal Year:

September offers a culmination of the lessons of the 8 Personal Year. Have you stepped up and taken control and responsibly for yourself? Are you taking actionable steps to improve your financial situation? Have you used your resilience to power through obstacles? It’s becoming time to say “ciao” to the hard-driving and money-oriented energies of your 8 Personal Year and “hello” to another intense year—yet while this year is all about working hard and making every effort to get things accomplished, this upcoming year will be a time where you’ll need to allow things to unfold.

Toward the end of September, you’ll start feeling the shifting energies around you as you move into the completion and “letting go” energies of the 9 Personal Year. You’ve been tested with your sense of empowerment and with your finances this year—and now it’s time to evaluate where you are, what you’re doing, what you want to be doing, and what you don’t want to be doing.

Then you must have the guts (and yes, it takes guts) to let go of anything and everything that no longer serves your higher good. This can be relationships, job, or geographical location. It can come in the form of being fired, a divorce, health crisis, death in the family or a birth, graduation, marriage, move, or other major decision about the direction you want to take. Completions and transitions will be top priority.

Number 9 Personal Year:

September offers a culmination of the lessons of the 9 Personal Year. Have you opened yourself to change and transformation on all levels? Are you surrendering to transitions? Have you allowed the things you no longer need to fall away in order to make space for something new? It’s becoming time to say “ciao” to the completion energies of your 9 Personal Year and “hello” to another intense year—yet while this year is all about completions and letting go, 2019 will be a year where you’ll start a brand new cycle.

You can’t underestimate the power or importance of this significant shift. You’ve been clearing out the old and making room for the new. Toward the end of September, you’ll start feeling the shifting energies around you as you move into the “new beginnings” energies of the 1 Personal Year. Hopefully you’ve had the willpower to finish and let go of anything and everything that no longer serves your higher good.

That can be relationships, job, or geographical locations. It can come in the form of being fired, a divorce, a health crisis, a death in the family. Or a birth, graduation, marriage, move, or other major decision about the direction you want to take. Now you’ll start feeling glimmers of something solid ahead of you that may have been eluding you for most of the year. New beginnings and initiation will be top priority.

May your September be Bright, Wonderful and Full of Many Surprises.

Blessings, Leigh ^j^

To start off September in the best possible way, why not try one of these >> 

September Meaning & Symbolism!

3 Simple Rituals To Start The New Month!

How to Set New Month Intentions For Positive Changes in Your Life!

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