NUMEROLOGY: Your Numerology Forecast For AUGUST - What to expect in the upcoming Month!

WELCOME AUGUST! August brings joy, energy, passion, and self-expression. Is is about understanding our worth and standing up for what we LOVE the most! The month of August is a brighter, lighter, and more hopeful month with so much fresh inspiration to offer. For those that are willing to open their hearts, minds, and be able to sit in allowness, letting the Universe to work its magic, we will be able to access so much abundance this month.

August holds the vibration of the number 8, which is powerful in numerology and represents the infinite journey of the soul and the movement between “human” and “being”. All through the month of August, the Universe will be delivering us opportunities and openings to get in touch with our being, and to elevate and welcome all facets of our intuitive, energetic and spiritual aspects of our being and accepting far more wisdom and knowledge than we dreamt possible.

The first dose of fresh opportunity and wisdom comes as we enter August with the Leo Black Super New Moon and Mercury moving direct shortly after. Both of these cosmic events will help to relieve some tensions that may have been bubbling through the month of July.

Mercury going direct will also help communication efforts to feel a little smoother and may reveal some important information so you can make more confident and informed decisions moving forward. Following this, we have the Lionsgate Portal (More on this the closer we get) which peaks on August 8th. This 8/8 energy is going to be helping us to elevate and tune in to higher frequency energies so we can receive psychic downloads and access higher realms of consciousness.

The “Turning Point” Month:

Numerologically speaking, August is a turning point month where you’ll start feeling the “theme” of your next phase starting to knock at your internal door. Under this energy, it is a great time to visualize and manifest what you would like to bring into your life. It is also a time to honour and recognize your spiritual gifts, and to remember that you are so much more than just a physical body. We each come here with a purpose, and part of that purpose is to bring our true authentic nature, our spiritual essence to everything we do. Part of our purpose is honouring and owning who we are, this musical note of perfection that is our vibration, and then allowing our music to mix and mingle in perfect harmony with the rest of the world.

What is your Personal Year Number?

Just like you have an astrological Sun Sign, you also have a Numerological Personal Year Number. This number is also based on your month and day of birth. This Personal Year Number indicates the core of who you are and can help to paint a picture as to what your soul has come here to achieve. Personal Year Numbers range from 1 to 9 and each hold a particular vibration and energy that is meant to guide you on your journey. Your Personal Year Number is a single-digit number derived from your month and date of birth that ties you directly into all the yearly, monthly and daily cycles - once you know your Personal Year Number you never have to calculate to find your personal number again. Your personal Year Number is used to calculate your Personal Month cycles, and those cycles predict the type of life you'll lead each month.

Your Personal Year Number is Easy to Calculate and Never Changes:

Simply add your month and day of birth, and reduce to a single digit (reduce Master numbers to a single digit as well).

For Example:
  • If you were born May 15, add 5 (for May) and 15, is 20, which reduces to 2 (2 + 0)
  • If you were born November 23, add 11 (for November) and 23, is 34
  • Reduce 34 by adding 3 and 4 to find the Month Number 7
* Once you have determined your personal year number, click on the corresponding number below to see your predictions for the month ahead.

Personal Year Number 1

August 2019 is a 3 Personal Month in a 4 Personal Year for those with a Personal Year Number 1. It's a good time for some relaxation. You will find your workload a little less demanding and may want to take some time off. You are upbeat and optimistic and able to inspire and uplift others. Do not take matters so seriously this month. It's a time of enhanced creativity and practical application. You are original in your approach to problem-solving. You receive inspiring ideas and are able to turn some of them into reality. You impress others with your deep understanding of the issues. This month also brings spiritual realizations and insights. You are more aware of the underlying forces that are at play in your life and in the world around you. The challenge of this month is in overcoming a fear. You may find yourself confronting some injustice, and it may be necessary to meet that injustice alone. Stand up for yourself! Be wise, but do not seek to avoid the issues.

Personal Year Number 2

For those with a Personal Year Number 2, August 2019 is a 4 Personal Month in a 5 Personal Year. Your career may be demanding and a bit frustrating now. You need to attend to routine matters, some of which may be boring. This is not a time to slack, so don't procrastinate. Commit to your responsibilities and see projects through to completion. This month could bring a welcome opportunity on the job front, but your success will depend upon your willingness to stand up for yourself, to take charge of circumstances, and to refuse being victimized by outside events. You need the courage to stand up for your beliefs, to do the right thing. This is a month to make important changes in your life -- start a diet and/or exercise regimen, quit smoking, dedicate yourself to a good cause, and reconnect to your higher spiritual values. This is the month to make fundamental and positive long-term changes in your life. It's important to demonstrate to those around you that you are dependable and can be relied upon. This affects both your work and love life. You can impress all of those around you with your sense of duty and trustworthiness now.

Personal Year Number 3

August 2019 is a 5 Personal Month in a 6 Personal Year for those with a 3 Personal Year Number. This month brings some changes in work and your personal life. It is a dynamic time and nothing goes according to plan, so it's better to play things by ear. Your career progresses well now as a result of your enhanced ability to find creative solutions. You can make a good impression on some people who are in a position to reward you. There can, however, be a confrontation between you and a co-worker, with long-ranging effects. The outcome will depend on your personal strength and self-confidence. If you are involved in business deals or legal affairs, some surprising changes may take place this month. In all areas of your life, flexibility and adaptability are important. Travelling, perhaps across the ocean, is possible and favourable. Your friends and family also require a lot of attention now. Social gatherings are frequent and can bring new relationships into your life. Romance is exciting, so be socially active. If you are single, you could meet someone who will be a permanent part of your life.

Personal Year Number 4

For those with a Personal Year  Number 4, August 2019 is a 6 Personal Month in a 7 Personal Year, and with it comes stability and quiet. There is recognition and respect at work, but also the possibility that someone else takes credit for your effort. Apply yourself diligently. Responsibility and duty rule this month. There is a possibility for financial gain, probably from a source other than work. Your family and friends need your love and attention; give it freely. Especially give your time and advice to a younger person. There is a lot of love that surrounds you now, but you may not be aware of it. Your attention is focused inward and you may want more time alone than you actually have. Maintain balance. The people close to you need attention and you should be there for them. Your spouse or romantic partner requires much of you this month, too, and your relationship can deepen as a result.

Personal Year Number 5

August 2019 is a 7 Personal Month in an 8 Personal Year for those with a Personal Year Number 5. The emphasis shifts from outgoing to inward-seeking now. You are more serious and self-reflective, questioning the wisdom of some of your decisions and choices made during the past 10 - 12 months. You keep to yourself, and are generally less social. You are engrossed in your work now, and feel a need to do a better job. Your desire for perfectionism is strongly enhanced, which results in self-criticism and impatience with others. At the root of this change in attitude is a spiritual need for clarity and understanding. You want more security, both internally as well as in your more worldly roles. You would do well spending some time alone for contemplation and meditation. In this respect, August stands out during this otherwise "material" year. Family and friends take a backseat during this period. There are strong feelings connected to your relationships with your loved ones, but these are experienced and expressed more subtly. Romance becomes more serious as well. You share mental, spiritual, and emotional experiences on the deepest level. There is no room for superficial exchanges. Your relationship with the person you are attracted to intensifies and becomes stronger as a result.

Personal Year Number 6

For those with a Personal Year Number 6, August 2019 is an 8 Personal Month in a 9 Personal Year. It brings financial matters to the foreground, so take a close look at your financial situation and adjust your lifestyle accordingly; pay off debts, tie up loose ends. Clean up this area of your life. Often, an 8 Personal Month/9 Personal Year brings a stroke of luck: a payment from a forgotten source or an inheritance. Use any extra income you might have to pay off your debts. You are facing a future that requires some risk-taking or investment. Perhaps you have been thinking about a complete career change, or starting your own business. Either way, you need to get a clean slate before the end of the year. You also receive recognition and compliments for effort put out in the past, which may result in a promotion. Romance is in better shape now than the last two months. If you are committed to someone and have experienced some troubles in the relationship, you should find stability and comfort this month. If you are single, you may meet someone through work or business.

Personal Year Number 7

For those with a Personal Year Number 7, August 2019 is a 9 Personal Month in a 1 Personal Year, and it promises some important changes. The previous year, a 9 Personal Year, and this year, your 1 Personal Year, are considered a two-year block of time in which much wrapping up of old business, habits, and personal relationships takes place. Now, this month represents the concluding stage of that two-year period. The last quick sweep of outdated concepts and expectations, confusions, and doubts is done. With the beginning of next month, your inner house will be thoroughly cleaned. There will be a few moments of unexplainable emotional upsets, melancholy, and such, but they are essentially the remnants of the old you. Share those feelings with someone close to you. Take comfort in heart-to-heart talks. Still, do not doubt that you now have both feet firmly planted in the new nine-year cycle. You are ready to move ahead.

Personal Year Number 8

August 2019 is a 1 Personal Month in a 2 Personal Year for those with a Personal Year Number 8. It brings new energy and a kind of restoration of life. There is a feeling of rebirth and excitement, a brightness in the air that wipes away any last residues of last month's bouts of gloominess and self-doubt. You want a change, a challenge, some goal toward which you can direct your enthusiasm. Well, that's what this month will bring. A new project, a career change ... something new. Keep in mind, however, that you are planting seeds now that must be nurtured and cultivated over the next year or so. In other words, you must remain focused on this dream to nurture it properly over time. Don't take chances financially now. Your optimism may make you impulsive and vulnerable. Remain cautious and research all propositions brought to you. You will likely be introduced to new people this month and, if you are not already involved, one of them may evolve into a passionate romance. Here, also, the careful approach can save some future heartache. The child in you is very much alive now, trusting and believing that everything is what it seems. While this is a very promising time for romance, keep in mind that a certain amount of rational examination is necessary to protect yourself. Wait until the end of next month before you surrender your heart to the person you are attracted to.

Personal Year Number 9

For those with a Year Number 9, August 2019 is a 2 Personal Month in a 3 Personal Year. It requires a sensitive and cooperative attitude at work and in all other areas. You are upbeat and optimistic during the early part of this month, but an anticipated reward or recognition may go to someone else, much to your dismay. Your challenge is to set the record straight by using your diplomatic skills. Do not allow anger to alienate you from those involved. Otherwise, relationships go favourably this month. You are in a position to smooth out some long-standing disagreements between people close to you. Often, these disagreements do not involve you directly. You have the opportunity to serve as a peacemaker.
Romance is also strongly represented and highly favourable now. Your feelings are strong and your ability to communicate these feelings is enhanced. It's a good month to spend some extra time with your lover.

Have An Awesome August Everyone!

Leigh ^j^

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