WEEKLY HOROSCOPES: 13th Oct > 19th Oct 2018

WEEKLY HOROSCOPES: 13th Oct 19th Oct 2018...

What Insights does the STARS reveal about your upcoming Week? Check out your Sign below to find out!

This week dormant past issues may resurface for attention. Unconsciously we tend to "go back" to previous relationships or to re-experience former behavior patterns in the present situation. Now is the time to change any behaviours or patterns that no longer work well for you.  

♈ Aries (March 20–April 19)

A new friendship or association that began last year may be costing you much more than it is worth.  Consider what is required from you to maintain this relationship.  If it is indeed worth the trouble, then accept that fact and move forward to better times.  However, if it is not, then you may consider cutting that tie.


​​♉ Taurus (April 20 -- May 20)

​​​​There seems to be a conflict between your need for a partner and your need to maintain your life direction.  The louder voice comes from career at present.  Try to negotiate a “treat” for your partner that you can fulfill in the weeks to come.  This could help put the tension at ease.

​♊ Gemini (May 20–June 20)

Focus your attention on new habits that will support your physical body and strengthen your mind.  Meditation and yoga would be excellent methods.  It is possible that your usual self-care routine will be disturbed for a time.  Don’t give up.  This is temporary.


♋ ​​Cancer (June 21–July 21)

At present your rational mind tells you one set of facts while the heart/instincts are in another camp altogether.  A conflict of this type is one which ultimately will be resolved in a creative way.  Take your conflict to a higher place--not one of either/or, but both/and.  A larger perspective would satisfy both ends of the equation.


​♌ Leo (July 22–August 21)

Use special caution when handling beautiful items in your home, office, or vehicle.  Breakage is more than normally possible.  You may have a need to reconnect to family members who have been out of the loop in your life.  Don’t let yourself mope over traumas in bygone times unless it teaches you something about the future.


♍ Virgo (August 22–September 22)

​Your ruling planet, Mercury, has just changed signs to Scorpio.  This represents a shift of attention from financial matters to focus on communications, neighbors, siblings, and others who are in your daily environment.  You may need to consider the needs of your vehicle now.  Give it a checkup and a detailing.


​​​♎ Libra (Sep. 23–Oct. 22)

​You likely are experiencing stress in relationship to a lover or one of your children.  This tension could cause you to snap without thinking.  You definitely don’t like conflict and rarely argue with anyone.  On the rare occasion that you do, it leaves you feeling ill.  If you already know who this is, prepare yourself to remain calm when you are with him/her.


​♏ Scorpio (October 23–November 21)

You may be tempted to pick up on a past relationship while Venus is retrograding in your sign.  This is not a good idea.  Old issues are likely to resurface not long after you reconnect.  You will learn quickly this relationship should not be in your future.  Don’t fall into old patterns.  Make “nice” and move on.


​​​♐ Sagittarius (November 22–December 20)

You may have been dallying with a person from the past and discover that this is not going to “work”.  A quick getaway is called for, but avoid hurting feelings if you can.  It’s rarely a good idea to burn bridges behind you.


​​​♑ Capricorn (December 21–January 19)

This is an excellent time to pursue any activity that requires your mental concentration.  Contracts and written communications, along with short distance travel, have go signals.  You may reconnect with old friends, especially those with whom you have worked in the past.


​♒ Aquarius (January 20–February 17)

You want to forge ahead with a new initiative.  However, there are people who are not cooperative.  Pour your energy into doing what you can at present.  Once others understand your plan, they may change their minds.


♓ ​Pisces (February 18–March 19)

Someone may be pressuring you to give a favor.  The difficult challenge here is to handle this in a straight transaction.  It would be all too easy to adopt a martyr-like pose and give what is requested with resentment.  Before you respond, think carefully about what you really want to give and then do only that...

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Have a Wonderful Weekend!

Leigh ^j^

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